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19-01-2009, 08:38 PM
Can anyone recommend a cheap but sturdy stroller. I had a Chicco one once, the one with the flat hood and it was quite good but my friend borrowed it and broke it :angry: . Don't want to spend a lot, about £50 max.

19-01-2009, 08:57 PM
I have the chicco one as a spare. £2.50 on a booty! Can't get better than that. They are £45 in Tesco

19-01-2009, 09:32 PM
I have had a Maclaren inherited from a friend for nearly 8 years.

It has swivel wheels and lie back.

It's the best buggy I've ever used... just had to replace the rain cover a few times, that's all :D

19-01-2009, 09:34 PM
I go for a maclaren every time. Seem to last the longest if a bit more expensive.

ebay ?

19-01-2009, 09:43 PM
I was looking on ebay and liked the look of the Silver Cross Pop range. Might have to re-look at the Maclarens though.

19-01-2009, 09:54 PM
When my ds was a little baby my OH decided he wanted to get the quinny Zapp pushchair for him. I wasn't keen for a number of reasons but all he cared about was it looking cool (which at the time it did, as noone really had one!!! - everywhere now I know- but I am off on a tangent!! ) Where was I, Oh yes, just after we got the Zapp my next door neighbours were moving abroad and asked if I wanted their old Mclaren buggy. I have to say I love it. Its not a fancy one but I would use it over the quinny any day. Light, easy to push and manouver and really quick to put up and down. What more could you want!!!! :thumbsup:

Jo x x x

03-02-2009, 04:20 PM
What model Maclarens do you all have?

Happy Feet
03-02-2009, 04:41 PM
i have a quinny zapp, it 3 years old now....they were quite rare then! i think they are great for quickly doing the school run or nipping from place to place but i have picked holes in them since we bought ours!

no lay back feature for when little ones have a sleep, no shopping basket and designed in a way they you cannot hold anything off the handles (ok, slight exageration but it doesn't take much to tilt them!!)

also, we found it almost impossible to find a buggy board that would work with its frame!

we then bought a bruin presto....a bit more than you mentioned you want to spend but they are great!!!

i would highly recommend maclaren buggies aswell


03-02-2009, 04:46 PM
I have had an enquiry that would mean I would forget that budget.

They have the Techno XT in the sale at Mothercare for £135 (last seasons colours) and at my local independant baby shop they have the Techno XLS (or something like that) for £175.

03-02-2009, 05:22 PM
Technos have better lie backs, have folding leg rest

More basic one is fine as long as they lie back. I have a triumph - coffee colour. lovely and folds nice and compact, light too

03-02-2009, 05:31 PM
i'd go for a maclaren every time, mine is 13 years old used by my mum for the 2 children she nanny's for, my two children, my brothers two kids and all my minded children for the last 5 years! it's fantasic i love it, i dread the day I need to replace it.

03-02-2009, 05:32 PM
i'd go for a maclaren every time, mine is 13 years old used by my mum for the 2 children she nanny's for, my two children, my brothers two kids and all my minded children for the last 5 years! it's fantasic i love it, i dread the day I need to replace it.

Thats what I thought......and why I now have a nice new one :laughing: