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View Full Version : First Aid Certificate for Assistant

Michelle M
01-01-2009, 10:35 AM
I am in the progess of taking on my next door neighbour as my assisitant, I know that she cant do the school run, however Ofsted told me on one occasion that I cant leave her with the mindees if she doesnt have a First Aid Certificate, and on another ocassion Ofsted said I could leave her with them. Of course I would get her on a course as soon as they are available in my area, but if I have written permission from parents do you think it will be ok? It will only be when I do the school run and the babies are asleep.

01-01-2009, 10:51 AM
It is a requirement that anyone left with children must have a valid paediatric first aid certificate.

There was some confusion at Ofsted for a while because they hadn't taken account of the Childcare Register requirements.

I strongly suggest if you are intending to leave an assistant without a first aid certificate that you get an ok in writing...


Chatterbox Childcare
01-01-2009, 07:55 PM
I have spoken to Ofsted about this and under NO circumstances, written permission or not, should the children be left with ANY person, even an assistant who has been through CM2, unless they have the first aid certificate.

Because this is a regulation you would not have any insurance should there be an accident/incident and you are leaving yourself open to prosecution by the parent and Ofsted.

My council offers training concessions for assistants the same as childminders so my advice would be to contact yours and see when the next course is running.

01-01-2009, 10:07 PM
i would say definatly get her first aid for insurance reasons and peace of mind