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16-12-2008, 09:45 PM

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas please.

I have 2 mindees leaving me at the end of the week :( I have looked after one for just over 2 years and the other one coming up for 2 years. I'm really gutted that they are going.

I would like to send them a letter or something, something they can keep and look back on.

Any ideas.

Much appreciated if anyone can help.


Shell x

16-12-2008, 10:37 PM
A little while back someone on here had a leavers poem think it was Sarah707

Sorry not much help


16-12-2008, 10:53 PM
Is this any good? .......

You are a very special person
And you should know,
How I loved to have you in my care
How fast the months did go!
Please come back to visit me
As through the years you go
Try hard to learn all that you can
There's so much to know

One thing I tried to teach you
To last your whole life through,
Is to know that you are special
Just because, you are you!

Angel xx

17-12-2008, 06:14 AM
Thankyou! I was going to look for this later! I have one going to school ( i don't collect from that one) I have had him since he was 6months. He asked if we can have a party on tuesday....i think i will spend the whole day crying! It's ok though.......his Mum is expecting and i get to have the baby from June!:thumbsup:

17-12-2008, 08:08 AM
Thankyou! I was going to look for this later! I have one going to school ( i don't collect from that one) I have had him since he was 6months. He asked if we can have a party on tuesday....i think i will spend the whole day crying! It's ok though.......his Mum is expecting and i get to have the baby from June!:thumbsup:

I cry buckets when long term mindees leave. One left in the summer as my son left primary school and I would no longer be picking up from the school. All of us cried - me, child, mum ! She is 9 and I had her from 9 months.

Will keep that poem till I need it next summer as all my current mindees will be leaving for school or nursery. :(

17-12-2008, 08:59 AM
hi would it be ok if i used that poem too please, i have one leaving me on friday, shes after schooly but ive had her a year so we will all miss her,

17-12-2008, 10:05 AM
I make up little photo album for mindees who are leaving with carefully labeled photographs of the people they see every day and often leave behind as well such as other mindees, friends from toddler group etc. There is also a file for each child to take home and keep that will contain their 'I am me' book, pieces of work ect.

But if its ok I'd like to use the poem too. It would make a great first page :)

17-12-2008, 11:22 AM
oh, thats lovely, thank you angel.

i've saved it to use in the future!


17-12-2008, 08:39 PM

I saw the link for the leavers poem but when i clicked on it the page could not be found!

Sarah707 if you still have this poem could i have a look at it please.


Shell x