View Full Version : Cloth Nappy Policy / Ofsted views ???

03-12-2008, 05:26 PM

I am busy writing up my policies and need to do a changing (cloth) nappy one.

I appreciate that many of you don't like them, but I am having a bit of trouble deciding what my procedure should be:

Basically this is what I do now, and I know it is bad / needs improvement:

I lie my DD down on a clean changing mat.
I take off the wet / soiled nappy and fold it up and usually put it just next to me on the floor (it is obviously wet on the outside).
I then put on a dry nappy, wrap and redress DD and then she is off on her way.
(I think I should probably give her hands a wipe, but I only routinely do this if her hands are dirty).
I then give mat a wipedown with a wipe, as well as the little spot where the nappy was sat.
I then take nappy upstairs with me, dispose of soiled contents in loo.
Nappy is then placed in a bucket (I dry pale) and lid is replaced.
I wash my hands, and come back downstairs.

The bucket is kept in my bathroom upstairs and I may have mindees that open the lid (if they go to toilet by themselves), but basically I was just going to have a little conversation with mindees (and remind them of the smell) and hopefully they will stay away from bucket.

I probably wash the nappies every 2-3 days.

I am desparate to know if any CM have had an experience with Ofsted's view with regards to cloth nappies (and obviously the storing of them before washing etc) and would appreciate any other suggestions.

I did ask my development worker, but she hasn't any personal experience ...

03-12-2008, 07:17 PM
I used cloth for my DD but I had a nappy washing service. Still had to store them in a pail though til collection day. OFSTED didn't mind and was actually impressed I was willing to do cloth for mindees, as well.

I'd reconsider laying wet nappy on floor. Can you use a washable container or something to avoid floor being contaminated? And is there anywhere else you can store the nappy pail like cupboard under the stairs, a utility room or some such? If not, I'd consider keeping it in your bedroom whilst mindees are there.

Well done, you! :clapping:

Buzz Lightyear
03-12-2008, 09:32 PM
This is what I do with my DD as I use reusables with her. Lie her on the floor and take the soiled nappy off, putting it into a nappy bag and tying it. Put clean nappy on DD, clean my hands with gel (no need to do DD as she hasn't touched anything. Let her play and I removed the soiled nappy and put it into the wet nappy pail to soak (which is located in DD's bedroom). Wash nappies more or less every other day if not, every 2 days at the most.

I'm not minding yet but when I do get up and running, no mindees will go in DD's bedroom anyway and therefore will not come into contact with nappy pail.

HTH a little :D

03-12-2008, 10:09 PM
If an inspector has a view it will probably be a personal one. I wasn't asked about nappy changing at all on my inspection this week. You don't need a nappy changing policy, though if you have one it'll add to your professionalism.

04-12-2008, 10:01 AM
I've done cloth and disposables with all mine and like has been mentioned the only thing I can see is if you had a top/tail bowl or something to put the nappy in instead of the floor and then store the bucket elsewhere.

Well done for having a policy.

Mrs M
09-12-2008, 07:09 PM
I have to use cloth nappies for one of my mindees. I would agree that you shouldn't really be placing nappy on the floor. I put mine straight into a nappy bag. As it's not my responsibility to wash them, they go directly into a bag that I keep in my porch - parents just pick it up on their way out. I don't have a nappy changing policy and Ofsted didn't ask me about my nappy changing procedures. I use a dry hand wash as soon as nappy changing done and then wash my hands property once nappy taken outside.

09-12-2008, 08:12 PM
When mindee was in washables, I changed, bagged it and put in plastic mini lidded dustbin with clips supplied by parents(her idea- worked well). As I had him mon,tues,thurs,fri she took home bin every other day and brought next batch with cleaned out bin. Kept it understairs during day and in shed overnight!

01-01-2009, 09:33 AM
I use cloth nappies some of the time on Max and would happily use them for Mindees. I would just suggest placing the soiled one in an ice cream tub and then taking upstairs. I would then wipe the mat with detox/milton spray wipe and cloth so that it is clean for the next change/child and wash my hands too.
Think Ofsted will just want to know that you keep things clean etc.:)

01-01-2009, 11:24 AM
I've used cloth nappies. Ofsted were happy with my procedures which were pretty much the same as disposible nappies except the lining was placed in a nappy sack and the soiled nappy/plastic pants were placed in a bin with a lid (no cleaning fluid or water) and went home in the same bin with the parent for washing. I kept the nappy bin by the back door in the kitchen.

01-01-2009, 11:49 AM
I always place cloth nappies in a nappy sack or similar, to avoid contamination, then put on clean nappy and clean down mat. If nappy has been soiled, I will flush away the waste(I have a downsatirs loo). Soiled nappy is the tied up and placed in a bag(similar to small square cooler bag, which the parents fetch), this is place in the porch for parent to collect when departing. I always wear gloves when changing nappies and alway wash them when finnished.
I just had ofsted inspection and they did'nt touch on this subject.