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23-11-2008, 08:37 PM
Dear Parents
Mary had a little lamb,
she also had the flu.
And when she left my day care,
the others had it too.
So anytime your child is sick,
please keep her home with you.
Then the children in my care
will be happier and healthier too!
~ Author Unknown ~

Added a poster i have just made if you want a copy

ok haven't got a clue what i'm doing! i will keep trying

23-11-2008, 08:39 PM
There's more!

Definition of a Child Care Provider
Child Care Pro-vi-der (child'kâr prõ vid'er)n. chef, baker, janitor, sock and shoe finder, coat buttoner, boot fitter, bottle washer, grocery shopper, diaper changer, protector, dish washer, nose wiper, vegetable pusher, floor sweeper, waiter, story teller, playground attendant, PE teacher, activity director, driver, zoo keeper, inspector, aerobics instructor, tutor, entertainer, therapist, manager, derby instructor, performer, bookkeeper, self-esteem builder, teacher, helper, well wisher, nurse, traffic controller, noise controller, life saver, thinker, problem solver, engineer, designer, counselor, safety instructor, arbitrator, creator, inventor, companion, musician, historian, technician, dietitian, athlete, beautician, fire marshall, analyst, artist, dentist, scientist, biologist, technologist, accountant, manicurist, receptionist, environmentalist, pharmacist, hygienist, speech therapist, reader, builder, informer, composer, supervisor, author, navigator, peacemaker, friend. . . . . . .
~ author unknown ~

Provider's Poem
I greet the kids at seven-ten, give them breakfast and settle in.
Justin's learning ABC's, Tyler don't eat crayons please.
Someone's knocking at the door, Amy please don't paint the floor!
Let's have lunch and then clean up. Kenny, please don't tip your cup.
Baby Kierstin's on my lap, story-time and then a nap.
Have our snack, then go outside. No Jessi, squirrels can't give you horsey-rides.
Five-thirty, the moms are here, collect the coats and all your gear.
Want to see me throw a fit? Tell me I just "baby-sit"!
~ author unknown ~

23-11-2008, 08:42 PM
Lol - in an ideal world....

This poor kid came to Lapland today, got to the first activity and conked out on the floor. Mum& Dad said 'don't worry, it's just a water infection, she'll be fine in a moment'. They wanted to drag teh poor kid round the whole day (another 31/2 hours) - the staff insisted on putting the girl in an ambulance because so obviously ill and parents didn't want to go with her as they'd miss out on their day!! Some people :eek:

23-11-2008, 08:42 PM
great love em :laughing:

23-11-2008, 08:44 PM
The Hand Holders - A Tribute to Childcare Providers
There is no job more important than ours,
no job anywhere else in the land.
We are the keepers of the future;
we hold the smallest hands.
Into our care we are trusted
to nurture and care for the young,
and for all of our everyday heroics,
our talents and skills go unsung.
We wipe tears from the eyes of the injured.
We rock babies brand new in our arms.
We encourage the shy and unsure child.
We make sure they are safe from all harm.

We foster the bonds of friendships,
letting no child go away mad.
We respect and we honor their emotions.
We give hugs to each child when they're sad.

We have more impact than does a professor,
a child's mind is molded by four,
so whatever we lay on the table
is whatever that child will explore.

Give each child the tools for adventure,
let them be artists and writers and more;
let them fly in the wind and dance on the stars
and build castles of sand on the shore.

It is true that we don't make much money
and we don't get a whole lot of praise,
but when one small child says, "I Love You,"
we're reminded of how this job pays.

~ author unknown ~

23-11-2008, 08:52 PM
You've been busy today Monkey.

Those are nice. :D

Venus that's a very sad story. I hope the little girl is ok xx

23-11-2008, 08:55 PM
Thank you Sarah, me too. She was last seen going off in the ambulanc (WITH one of the parents - the other one still wanted to know if they could stay on and get their moneys worth) with oxygen attached, poor thing.

23-11-2008, 09:07 PM
Thank you Sarah, me too. She was last seen going off in the ambulanc (WITH one of the parents - the other one still wanted to know if they could stay on and get their moneys worth) with oxygen attached, poor thing.

:eek: :eek: Oh my god! I hope she's ok

23-11-2008, 09:17 PM
ahhh poor little one!! some parents honestly! where is this lapland place? it must have been good if she didnt want to leave, ive been looking at fun places to take my children over xmas? im not being insensitive to your story, theres just not many things going on round my way?

23-11-2008, 10:28 PM
Great poems Monkey

Miffy xx