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21-01-2008, 09:35 PM
Have just had this forwarded to me, so I'm passing it on!

Guys please pass this along to all the women you know.....

This actually happened a few weeks ago right here in England . It was early evening and a young lady stopped to get petrol. She filled her tank and walked into the store to pay for her petrol. The cashier told her ‘Don't pay for your petrol yet.....walk around the store for a while and act as if you're picking up some other things to buy.
A man just got into the back of your car. I've called the police and they're on their way'. When the police arrived, they found the man in the back seat of the girl's car and asked him what he was doing. He replied, he was joining a gang and the initiation to join is to kidnap a woman and bring her back to the gang to be raped by every member of the gang. If the woman was still alive by the time they finish with her then they let her go.

According to the police that night, there is a new gang forming here originating from London. The scary part of this is because the guy didn't have a weapon on him. The police could only charge him with trespassing.... He's back on the street and free to try again.

Please be aware of what's going on around you and for your family and friends. LADIES you or one of your family and friends could be the next victim.

Please forward this on to everyone you know. Please do not discard this message it is very important that everyone knows what is happening.
Please be careful when leaving your vehicle and make sure it is ALWAYS Locked to prevent this from happening to you.


Forum Widower
21-01-2008, 09:39 PM
Just shows you what a useless legal systme we have in this country that someone can do something like that, admit it and then be walking free.

GRRRRRRRR:angry: This country is driving me potty

FW :angry:

21-01-2008, 09:42 PM
Where did this come from?

Miffy xx

21-01-2008, 09:42 PM
I am very glad I do not live in London any more... but then I suppose it could be anywhere couldn't it?

I wonder if this is real? :panic:

21-01-2008, 09:48 PM
I wondered if it was real too, as it reminds me of a ghost story that used to be told when I was younger...but figured better safe then sorry! Also...it came from a parent of mine (a police inspector)!

21-01-2008, 09:51 PM
who knows if it's real or not but who cares better safe then sorry.

there was a story a while ago about seeing a car with no lights on and not to flash at them as they then mark you as a victim and chase you and then shoot you. again i never knew if it was true or not but i ignore passing cars without their lights on now just in case

21-01-2008, 09:52 PM
Sorry Tasha I'm not convinced ( or maybe don't want to be) - I think I've heard this story before.

Very scary though

Miffy xx

21-01-2008, 09:53 PM
who knows if it's real or not but who cares better safe then sorry.

there was a story a while ago about seeing a car with no lights on and not to flash at them as they then mark you as a victim and chase you and then shoot you. again i never knew if it was true or not but i ignore passing cars without their lights on now just in case

Yes I've heard that one too and this made me think of it

Miffy xx

21-01-2008, 09:53 PM
This is a bit scary but i did wonder if the guy would really admit all that to the police?

am i being thick?

surely if it were true he would just make up a lie, anyway maybe im not getting it, im tired and i really am going to bed now!!!

21-01-2008, 09:54 PM
TBH...not sure if I'm convinced...even with it's source, but good safety advice regardless...!

21-01-2008, 09:56 PM
This is fake guys

Sorry I put something almost identical in the old forum before a lot of you joined

Pauline told me it was fake and yes it was

A lot of people do it and pretend it is from the police

It is sick to even think this up

I think if you go to Urban Legend you will find it there

Angel xxx

21-01-2008, 09:57 PM
Oh well I might sleep better now

Miffy xx

21-01-2008, 09:57 PM
Oh well delete it then!

21-01-2008, 09:59 PM

Scroll down the page


21-01-2008, 10:01 PM
I thought the same as you Tasha when I had the same thing - mine had come they said from somone who worked for the police

I think it is very scary that these people can do this and scare us

I would never have known if Pauline would not have told me - wonder if she remembers ?

There was something else the other week that Dee I think posted and we was not sure about that but it was Pauline again that said it was fake

Not your fault Tasha


21-01-2008, 10:04 PM
Here's a site that a friend of mine uses to check out all the Urban Myths/stories that to the rounds on the Interweb


I haven't looked for this particular one though.

Minnie Minx
21-01-2008, 10:05 PM
hahaha is this still doing the rounds lol, for all hoaxes and some make fab reading go to www.snopes.com (http://www.snopes.com)


heheheh we posted at the same time lol

Minnie Minx
21-01-2008, 10:06 PM
A story that is as far fetched like this is bound to be a hoax but to make sure you're safe always lock your car door when paying for petrol :)


21-01-2008, 10:08 PM
I thought the same as you Tasha when I had the same thing - mine had come they said from somone who worked for the police

I think it is very scary that these people can do this and scare us

I would never have known if Pauline would not have told me - wonder if she remembers ?

There was something else the other week that Dee I think posted and we was not sure about that but it was Pauline again that said it was fake

Not your fault Tasha


It did actually come from a real police inspector...one of my mindees parents...she must have been pulling my leg!

21-01-2008, 10:10 PM
My son got attacked when he was out in his car alone - he had his car door unlocked and 2 guys got in one in the front and one in the back

They beat him and made him drive for hours

It was horrible and they did catch them and they went to prison

But yes always lock your doors where ever you are

Tasha no point deleting this thread - I for one believe anything so it could scare anyone half to death so it is good if someone gets this in an email and sees it here at least they will know it is not true

Have you all read some of the other scams on that link - amazing

Angel xx

Minnie Minx
21-01-2008, 10:10 PM
if she's married to a copper then she should know better about spreading silly stories like this one, my god i would have had a right go at her, silly stoopid woman :censored::angry::angry::censored:


21-01-2008, 10:16 PM
That is weird though because I was also told that it had actually come from the police from a friend whos friend was a police man

i do not think a friend would make that up


Do the police actually recieve things like this I wonder ?


21-01-2008, 10:18 PM
My son got attacked when he was out in his car alone - he had his car door unlocked and 2 guys got in one in the front and one in the back

They beat him and made him drive for hours

It was horrible and they did catch them and they went to prison

But yes always lock your doors where ever you are

Tasha no point deleting this thread - I for one believe anything so it could scare anyone half to death so it is good if someone gets this in an email and sees it here at least they will know it is not true

Have you all read some of the other scams on that link - amazing

Angel xx

This is the reason why I lock my doors day or night!!!

I hope your son was ok afterwards Angel

Carol xx

21-01-2008, 10:18 PM
Last year a neighbour of mine was in a local supermarkek car park in broard day light, when a nicely dressed man flagged her down and told her that smoke was coming out of her bonnet, she got out of her car to have a look ,leaving her keys in the ignition and her handbag on the seat, as she went around the front of the car, the man jumped into the drivers seat and drove off with her car and everything!!! this man did this a number of times to women over about a six week period, he was eventually caught and sentenced, but he has left my neighbour very shaken.
You really do have to take care when you are out and about and be aware of not all people are what they make out to be.
Keep safe x

21-01-2008, 10:23 PM
if she's married to a copper then she should know better about spreading silly stories like this one, my god i would have had a right go at her, silly stoopid woman :censored::angry::angry::censored:


She is the copper... an inspector!

21-01-2008, 10:27 PM
awful thing to happen to your son angel is he ok?

i do take my keys out even if i am just posting a letter or putting the trolley back to the baybut in a situation like that i would probably just get out without thinking

21-01-2008, 10:30 PM
Carol and Mandy yes it was a few years ago now but it was really horrible
They actually kidnapped my son and made him drive and drive and drive
They were high on drugs
They beat him around the head with a baton and a pole

They stole money and took his mobile

They made him pull over in the end and let him go with the car
Which was suprising

They actually only caught the one - but my son had death threats during the trial and he had to move house

It was a terrible time and I am very surprised my son bounced back
He is the one that is having trouble seeing his sons now !

The man got 5 years

These people just do not realise what they do to people it affected the whole family

Angel xx

Forum Widower
21-01-2008, 10:32 PM
A similar thing happened in our local Morrisons car park. Unfortunately the lady was physically dragged from her car, punched and kicked before the theif drove off in her car. I was actually over the other side of the car park while it was happening. These things do actually happen. I lock my car where ever i go and some of the things i witness other people doing defies belief. I've seen people leave children in the car (and i mean young babies and toddlers not teens) while they go in to the petrol station and pay. I've even seen people leave the young ones in the car while they go in to the post office for 10-15 mins. Sometimes i even stand near to the vehicle so if the worst were to happen i would be able to intervene.

When you read or hear stories about some of the tragic things that happen, like mine above, that of mrsbumbles or tasha's you have to wonder why do people take so much risk with their most precious possesions, their children.


Minnie Minx
21-01-2008, 10:32 PM
She is the copper... an inspector!

Then she shouldn't be!!! a really stupid thing to do, i would be fuming if a copper told me a hoax, full well knowing it was a hoax (believe me she did), in fact i would make an official complaint against her, women are vulnerable at the best of times without silly hoaxes like this :censored:


Minnie Minx
21-01-2008, 10:34 PM
something that annoys the hell out of me is when women especially old women leave their handbag on their shopping trolley and then walk away from it to get something from the shelves, i've often told them that they should put the bag on their shoulder or carry it


21-01-2008, 10:38 PM
Calm down dear...it's just a hoax...which gave everyone something to talk about this evening!;)

Minnie Minx
21-01-2008, 10:42 PM
hahaha i know lol but as a single female living alone it does annoy me that these hoaxes are around and seemingly intelligent people (your copper friend) go around telling people about it but not pointing out it is a hoax. Safety is something i take very seriously, at one point we had some nasty people from the horrible estate up the road coming down here and smashing up the cars, so i kept a bl**dy big knife by the front and back door :D


21-01-2008, 10:43 PM
Yes Urban Myths aside there are strange people out there.

This IS true:

My next door neighbour (who was 67 at the time) went to the local tip with garden rubbish. He pulled up at the skip and jumped out to empty his boot. While he was at the boot a bloke jumped into the drivers seat and started the engine (yes he had left the keys in the ignition!!) My neighbour ran to the drivers window, (as it was summer he had his window down) and tried to get the keys out of the ignition as the bloke was driving off!! :eek:

In the end the bloke gave up and escaped out of the passenger door and ran away. My neighbour was a bit shook up and had really nasty bruises up his arm where he had tried to get the keys.

Moral. Always take your keys out of the ignition when yot at the tip!

21-01-2008, 10:44 PM
you kept a knife by your door Theresa ? omg i do not even own a big knife ha

sorry i am a coward

the only weapon i ever carry is my key in my pocket if someone attacks me i will push the key into their eyeball haha

in other words i would RUN

Angel xx

Minnie Minx
21-01-2008, 10:44 PM
I'd say take your keys out of the car everytime you get out of it lol


Minnie Minx
21-01-2008, 10:46 PM
you kept a knife by your door Theresa ? omg i do not even own a big knife ha

sorry i am a coward

the only weapon i ever carry is my key in my pocket if someone attacks me i will push the key into their eyeball haha

in other words i would RUN

Angel xx

as i said i live alone in a not so nice area and i will do whatever it takes to keep me and my cats safe, i got attacked at work once, nothing too serious but since then i go a bit ott, i've also got one in my bedroom although the sight of me naked should make them run :laughing:


21-01-2008, 10:47 PM
haha silly


21-01-2008, 10:51 PM
When FW met me I carried a screwdriver & slept with a knife under the pillow...I have had to defend myself on a number of occassions...Wish you could have seen his face...still makes me laugh!:laughing:

Minnie Minx
21-01-2008, 10:52 PM


21-01-2008, 10:54 PM
Refering back to the original story of this post I ALWAYS check the back seat of my car before I get in! Dh and I were watching a programme last night in which someone got in their car and there was someone waiting to get them. I said 'Why don't these people check the back seats?' I've obviously watched too many scary films.:panic:

21-01-2008, 11:00 PM
i have a baseball bat next to my bed

i do take the keys out of the car when i get out but to be honest if someone wants the car and as long as there are no kids in it let them have it. it's a lump of metal that i pay £400 to insure every year. i am not going to put my life at risk to save my car

i was working in my mother's jewellery shop in my teens (amillion years ago) and the guy i was serving decided to steal the very expensive gold bracelt he was trying on so he shoved the woman beside him into the window cabinet and ran unfortunatley for him the woman was my mother and she grabbed him by the throat with her extremely long nails stuck in his neck and pushed him back he did run for it but the police where round the corner and caught him..

there is a very amusing story about my very little grandmother and the man who murdered martin luther king in 1963

Minnie Minx
21-01-2008, 11:07 PM
wow mandy, your mum's a corker :clapping::clapping: hope she drew blood from the barstool


21-01-2008, 11:07 PM
Do tell!

21-01-2008, 11:08 PM
yes waiting Mandy


Minnie Minx
21-01-2008, 11:08 PM
on tenterhooks here mandy, you can't start a story then stop lol


21-01-2008, 11:20 PM
Come on Mandy...type faster!

21-01-2008, 11:22 PM
Where is she ?


21-01-2008, 11:23 PM
oh alright and yes she did theresa lots and lots of blood
and of course these days he'sd have sued her for damages or whatever

in 1968 not 3 James Earl Ray assasinated martin luther king then escaped to the uk he arrived into paddington London and walked into the first shop he saw that may have been worth holding up, he pulled a gun on the owners
he called to the owner to put his hands up and his wife to hand him the cash from the till
the owners wife all 5ft 2 of her barged into the would be thief and winded him while the owner set the alarm off which brought the police to the shop

the owner was my grandfather and the little squirt my beloved grandmother.
jame earl ray was then extradited back to the states and charged with the murder of mlk and never prosecuted for the holding up of the shop because that would have stopped him being charged in the u.s

a lot of this has been written about by an investagative journalist gerald posner and my grandparents were interviewed loads when it happened but they could never name the thief as it would have affected the case

21-01-2008, 11:24 PM
we have got some newspaper articles and articles that posner wrote but i cannot find them now
i am off tomorrow so i will try to find them then scan them in and post them for you all to read

21-01-2008, 11:25 PM
wow that is very very interesting Mandy

Is there any evidence of this that you managed to keep for yourselves to show your children etc

Angel xx

21-01-2008, 11:26 PM
we posted together that would be great Mandy

You also need to come to our party we are going to celebrate you hitting a 1000 in your post count - I am sure you will do it by then ?

Angel xx

21-01-2008, 11:30 PM
says you who is hitting 7000 tonight possibly

charlotte wrote a fantastic report for school about the assassination and the would be thief but because he was never prosecuted for the robbery their is nothing to show that it was him who did it
although gerald posner the journalist has it on record as he contacted my mother for more details

21-01-2008, 11:35 PM
Wow...what a great story!

Minnie Minx
21-01-2008, 11:36 PM
oh wow mandy, strong fiesty women must run in the family, good on your grandmother


21-01-2008, 11:44 PM
yeah i think we protect our own
you wouldn't believe my grandmother could have doen it i am not joking when i say she was 5ft 2 but she worshipped my grandfather and she said she wasn't going to see some little s*** with a gun at him and just didn't think and went for him. i don't suppose he could believe what happened after all he had just killed one of the most influential people in bringing about the end of segragation of whites and blacks only to be brought down by a little squirt

21-01-2008, 11:45 PM
that really is a brilliant story mandy thanks for sharing it


Minnie Minx
21-01-2008, 11:45 PM
serves him right the barstool, it's a shame your gran didn't get a hero's award though, she certainly derserved one


22-01-2008, 07:03 AM
Cheers for the thread

22-01-2008, 07:23 AM
Very interesting story about your grandparents Mandy

Angel that was awful about your son - well done to him for going through with the prosecution

Miffy xx

23-01-2008, 11:21 PM
:D wow!totaly WOW brill story.