View Full Version : First peek into childminding world

28-10-2008, 07:04 AM
I havent looked after lots of children for a while and my sister is house hunting so I said oh just pop them round so I had my 3 girls (7,3,2) and my nephews (8,3) and then my neighbours children popped round too girls (11).

Well the noise level was horrendous! I've not had much experience with boys as I have 3 sisters and they have had girls apart from this sister and they have always lived a motorway drive away so didnt see them often but she is moving closer so I had better get used to it.

It just made me realise how little toys I have that boys seem to like, it didnt help that my nintendo wii is broken and the trampoline steps need fixing and the weather was hail stone so they couldnt go outside. My car wasnt big enough to take them out and my 3yr old was ill so just wanted me to sit with her which was impossible!

What have I decided to do :panic:

28-10-2008, 07:18 AM
Ha Ha. That sounds about right. All good fun. :thumbsup:

28-10-2008, 07:23 AM
Oh it was all new to you so you had a hectic day

Dont worry about it

you would get used to it and get a routine going once you started

Little boys like lots of things - cars - bricks - jigsaws - drawing a lot of what little girls like actually

Boys can be really noisy but so can girls believe me ha

If you have little boys again just ask them what THEY like to do and get your ideas from them

Have fun

Angel xx

28-10-2008, 07:33 AM
They just got bored so quickly we did Gloop, painting, finger painting, paint all over their bodies -not by choice my sister rang at the wrong moment! we did dressing up, happy land, hide and seek, stories, TV, Mr Tumble DVD and finally when the youngest were in bed monopoly! I have never slept so well in my life :)

28-10-2008, 07:49 AM
I have to say the phrase 'in at the deep end' springs to mind. :thumbsup:

28-10-2008, 08:15 PM
My own two sons are of similar ages and they prefer anything that is hands on with a bit of rough and tumble thrown in.

They love to dance, make noise, play snap, bang tunes on the keyboard the nosier the better. They are happier running free in the park to anything else.

They will settle down, here hoping the weather bucks up for you to take them out