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Helen Jordan
11-10-2008, 07:51 AM
I am doing a childminding course at present. Its something I've always wanted to do bt obviously i still have tomake a living. can anyone give me an indication of the kind of money I am likley to be able to make.

11-10-2008, 08:39 AM
I will move this to the Minding Chat section as you will get more replies there :) (the section you posted in is for problems with the forum)

11-10-2008, 09:10 AM
Hi Helen

You will be self employed and the profit you make will be dependant on a lot of factors.
demand for childminders in your area
average cost per hour charged by minders in your area (varies)
Number of spaces you have
number of pre-school places you have
how quickly you are able to fill those spaces
Hours you are willing/available to work
willingness /ability to have over 8s in England/Wales
How much your expences are

Many childminders are able to make "enough" money but as you are self employed you can have quieter/busier times and need to plan accordingly. I have had a short break from minding after moving from England to Wales and feel it is good for me. It is difficult to give you a figure as it varies from minder to minder

Chatterbox Childcare
11-10-2008, 09:51 AM
It really all depends on a number of factors

How many children you have in the under 8 range as this restricts the number of children you are able to take on

How hard are you willing to work? My day is 6.30am start and I rarely stop by 9pm and then paperwork in the evenings or weekends

I know of a couple of childminders who make great money and others who just like to trickle along

the answer I suppose it up to you and the demand out in your area

It really is like asking how long is a piece of string. Sorry to waffle