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View Full Version : sharing info with nurseries

09-10-2008, 04:37 PM
Sent a letter via parent to nursery about finding out what J is up to development etc with EYFS.

Parent brought round his file today. I def know him better than nursery and what stages he is at. Parents know this too and are brill. It was good to see, if only to reassure myself. :so happy:

I am adding some photos and notes to his 'special book' for them to see as it is a sharing book between nursery, home and now... ME!


09-10-2008, 04:49 PM
Yes, another success with sharing info with other settings. If we keep at it we might get somewhere. :)

I have made some progress although not, as yet, quite the outcome I would like. :(

I gave a nice little questionnaire to my mindees keyworker and asked if she would kindly complete it - on this form I gave her details of what the child does/likes at my setting. The information is short and sweet but very informative. There is also an area for parents comments. I though this way the communication would be going from childminder - pre-school to parent all on one A4 piece of paper (2 sided). They took the form, said they would be happy to do it - that was beginning of last week and so far I have had nothing back. Mum hasn't mentioned anything either.

However, what they are now beginning to do is tell me what they are currently doing - this week they are doing the Bakers theme so I will continue that by taking the child to the Bakers tomorrow to have a look at all the bread etc. We might sing "current buns in bakers shop" song and maybe do a counting activity with cakes/buns whatever. Next week the colour is going to be red - again I can work alongside this to enhance child's learning.

I get the impresion that they do not feel I am important enough to be bothering with. What they seem to forget is that some of these children have been with us from 5/6 months of age and we know an awful lot about what makes them tick.

Very frustrating, but I live in hope.

09-10-2008, 06:42 PM
Hi Donna,

I have had J for 3 years now (since he was 8 months) so like you said, I know him extremely well. He is an extension to our family. His mum is a teacher so is great with everything and knows only too well about Ofsted and inspections.
She is more than happy with everything I do and tells me often. I feel very appreciated :)

Not sure what nursery themes are but got a good idea of what he does there. To be honest, nursery should be following my lead as he seems to show more of his skills off with me !!
