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View Full Version : How Likley is it..??

mandy moo
04-10-2008, 08:19 AM
I have been approached by another childminder asking if I have spaces, I have one space.
She is going to ring the mum and give her my tel no.
At the moment I mind a little boy of 14 mths and a little girl of 4yrs & 7mths, she starts school full time in January.
My own 2 boys are 7 & 10,and are at school all day.
Mum concerned has 2 children, a baby of 6mths and a son of 3 yrs the childminder thinks, and she doesnt want to split them.
But, and it could be a big but, I still have not had my grading inspection, how likley is it if I ring Ofsted, and ask for a further space, that I would get it?
Based on the fact that mum does not wanttosplit them, and that although
we have approx another 6 minders in our village, all their spaces are full?

04-10-2008, 08:23 AM
I'd say there is nothing to lose in asking!

When you write to Ofsted explain that all the other minders are full in the area and there is no one else for the parents to use.

Also, give some details of how you plan to cope, what you would do in an emergency situation etc. that would show that you have thought through the possible risks.

it might help. Good luck :)

04-10-2008, 08:24 AM
they are unlikely to give a variation for a new midee but may if the arguement was good enough
i.e they do not want to be seperated and there are no minders in the village who could take them
you would need to write to them though they won't take an application over the phone

04-10-2008, 11:22 AM
i'd tell ofsted that one of your mindees will be moving up the age categories in january so its only a short term variance.

Chatterbox Childcare
04-10-2008, 11:25 AM
You haven't said if these children are with you all the time.

I would apply to ofsted for a variance (they will want a grid showing ages and times) and state that it is only from when the start until January. After this the 4 year old is classed as 5 under your numbers

mandy moo
04-10-2008, 02:29 PM
thanks for your answers ladies,
I have the 14mth old from 9am - 5pm Mon - Fri

the 4 1/2 year old, depending on what rota mum is on,
1st wk at 4pm
Next at 5pm
The following till 6pm,
The last week on rota is 2 nights at 6pm and 2 nights at 7.30 and so on.

At the moment on Wednesdays and thursdays, (until januarythat is), I have her from 1.30pm, the other days after nursery 11.30am (again only till January)
I only pick up from school, I dont take to school, dad takes her..
This child goes to school full time in January, so I am assuming from then on I will only have her from 3.15.
I've not had a call yet from prospective parents, so dont know what hours they may require yet.
thanks again