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miss mopple
26-09-2008, 02:02 PM
Dont know if any of you have had the SBS autumn bonanza book through (lots of bargains to be had :thumbsup: ), but in from there I ordered what was clearly advertised as squidgy numbers and letters, down from 49.95 to 5.98.

I queried it as there were only numbers in the pic and the sales rep thought that it should be as that was what it said.

So my order just arrived and surprise surprise there were only numbers in it (as I suspected as I know the letters are pricey)

So I have just been on the phone and the bloke that answered said that there was a pop up on the screen telling sales reps to inform that its just the numbers at that price- errr, not my problem as I wasnt told that.

He kept saying it was just a printing error- again not my problem.

Told him that I had ordered in good faith and he offered to discount the letters set. No, thats not what I wanted either. I wanted what I had ordered for the price it was displayed at.

I pointed out that the law was on my side and he scuttled away, and guess what? He came back all apologetic and said of course they had to send me the letters free :) Err, I knew that!

So I have all 26 letters and numbers 1-10 for less than a tenner :clapping: :clapping:

feeling very chuffed with myself now :D

26-09-2008, 02:06 PM
Well done - that really is a great bargain

Miffy xx

26-09-2008, 02:08 PM
wow well done

we did that in asda as they had some wine clearly displayed as £18 for a case of 6 bottles when it came to the till it they were put trhough as £20 a case
hubby complained and eventually the said yes we were right but the till got so confused that it ended up giving us all our shopping about £60 worth, a pair of trousers for me and 12 bottles of wine for less than £50.

i have a constant battle in asda though as they currently have ham at 2 for £3 but at 1.34 each duh 2 x 1.34 is 2.68 everytime i have bought it the till has charged me £3 until i complain so i wonder just how many people don't realise the price they are paying for their ham is actually more then it's marked

26-09-2008, 02:10 PM
WOW! You go girl!

26-09-2008, 02:16 PM
what a bargain:clapping:

well done


26-09-2008, 02:26 PM
Well done Miss M :thumbsup: More people should stand their ground, it oftens pays dividends! lol

26-09-2008, 03:49 PM
Well done thats great.......do you have the code for the Autumn stuff, i've ordered online from then before but they haven't sent me a catalouge, I don't get the codes then :(

miss mopple
26-09-2008, 04:14 PM
Theres not a code Lucy as far as I can see, just reduced items in the book. I was going to order online but the deals arent on their website. I asked them why today and apparently its just because its a new promotion and they havent updated the site yet.

If you have a look on their site if theres anything you want let me know and I can see if its reduced in the sale book for you.

26-09-2008, 04:15 PM
I've just tried to order from the autumn bonanza online but the site is awful!! Very slow and the pictures don't match product description!! I gave up after trying to order by product codes and being told they don't exist!! LOl

Well done on your bargain and giving them what for tho!!

i find Asda are always ripping you off too. i scrutinize every receipt!!:)

miss mopple
26-09-2008, 04:16 PM
I couldnt find the deals online either Lisa so placed the order by phone. Much easier :thumbsup:

26-09-2008, 04:38 PM
Tescos are really good for giving you back your money. They used to give you back the whole amount if you have had been overcharged and still let you keep the item but now they just give you back double the difference.

26-09-2008, 07:24 PM
well done well worth the phone call