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View Full Version : three 2 year olds, activity ideas??

22-09-2008, 08:15 PM
hello, i was just wondering if anyone had some good ideas to do with 3 boys all age 2????

any ideas will be great

thanks :)

22-09-2008, 11:37 PM
oh akward age isnt it really as cant do to much (as in detail/in depth)

how about a 'i know/learn my body' game
* colouring in
* cars ..anything with wheels
* going for walk to park (do a nature spot game on the way)
* where a .. game (similiar to learn my body i guess)
* read books to/with them
* make food ?

hope this helps x

23-09-2008, 05:35 AM
painting, foot, brush, hands.

sand, water

visit the ducks, park.

23-09-2008, 12:51 PM
thanks for your help, i just trying to think of new stuff to do with them, i use to go to soft play and stuff like that but im pregnant and cant fit through some bits of it now so its really hard. lol! i do make cakes and do paintings etc although i would like to do more messy play but both mindees are fussy about mess! they like playdough and sand, thats about it! both like throwing things tho? and cars? and balls?
i just feel like i wrtie the same sort of stuff on my planning each week.
the nearest duck pond is about 15 min drive from me and with all 3 getting them in and out of the car is hard work :panic: lol

30-09-2008, 05:44 PM
I just made little trains from shoe boxes,3 little boxes attached with loose string and painted.Milk carton tops for wheels. I drew a little sign with their name on the sign ie sammie express and they put little teddies in them. They loved it.

Simple sticking......cut out some Thomas the tank characters or Bob The Builder from wrapping paper and let them stick them.

Make a boat from a big box and let them paint it. Put port holes on it and a sail.Mine played for hours in it.

Little junk model rockets from toilet roll holders.

Sponge painting trains.

01-10-2008, 11:40 AM
I have two 2 year old boys so my heart goes out to you ;) :laughing: Last week we rolled out an old wallpaper lining roll, used sponges in green and brown paint and let the kids go mad on the paper. This was the background to our 'dinosaur world' (both boys are obsessed with dinos at the mo) then we stuck some dinosaurs on which they had already painted. We stuck cotton wool on the top as clouds and silver foil which they say is a volcano and a cave. It has also got glitter, rice and pasta on for different textures. I have stuck on the kitchen wall and the boys absolutely love it.

01-10-2008, 12:30 PM
hello, i was just wondering if anyone had some good ideas to do with 3 boys all age 2????

any ideas will be great

thanks :)

hide lol:laughing:

With that age,I don't plan that much to be honest, I look after a 2 yr old who loves dinos (too!) and we have moved them into the sand tray for him, cutting and sticking,

Loads of outside play for them to run around in:laughing: park, duplo, cars, mine love the tumble mat (all ages lol) and today we were dancing to music with our bare feet as it feels so funny!

Loads of ideas already on here too!

08-12-2008, 02:51 PM
I'm glad I read this thread as it's made me realise I'm not alone!! I have been minding a little boy, coming up to 2 years, and it's a real nightmare engaging him in anything for more than a couple of minutes. No sooner have you set something up he's then off into the other room to play with something else and if you try to reengage him with the activity he starts tantruming!! It doesn't make life easier due to the fact he can only say a couple of words either, and the communication between us is limited. My daughter is 3 months younger than him but so easy to entertain and interested in most things so it really is quite frustrating we can't all enjoy the activity together. Hoping this is just boys for you and it will get easier soon! got some good ideas from you all so thanks!!

08-12-2008, 10:12 PM
I've a 2yr old boy and that sounds exactly like him, it takes me longer to get the activity out his attention is 10mins max! :rolleyes:

He does like shaking glitter all over a picture and that keeps his attention for at least 15mins :laughing: :laughing: