View Full Version : Working out percentages help

15-09-2008, 09:03 PM
I was just trying to work out the percentages for heating, council tac etc but have managed to get myself totally confused. The list of percentages we are given is that for weekly hours or monthly cos obviously if i work out my hours for a month its going to be a higher percentage and if i do it weekly how do i work my bills out which are quarterly
please help im confused

Chatterbox Childcare
15-09-2008, 09:04 PM
Give us an idea of what you are working out - days/hours etc..

15-09-2008, 09:15 PM
if i start with heating /lighting.

my electric is £43 per month, my gas is £168 per quarter

i worked 104 and a half hours that month

how do i work out what i can put through?

Chatterbox Childcare
15-09-2008, 09:17 PM
It goes on hours per day not month

Do you have the inland revenue calculations on this?

15-09-2008, 09:23 PM
yep i have them, so do i do each individual day cos i dont work more than 10 hours a day which is the lowest percentage???

If i do it weekly the first week would be 33 hours and 10 mins and the monthly heating/lighting bill would be £99 so the percentage is 25% but how do i work it out??

Sorry to be a dumb pain in the bum my brain will not work tonight!!

15-09-2008, 09:29 PM
Hi you need to times your monthly heating bills by 12 (ie months in year) and then divide by 52 (weeks in year) to work out how much you pay each week and then times that by the percentage you can claim back. ie if monthly bills are £99 - x 12 = £1188 divide by 52= £22.85 per week and then 25% of that would be £5.71 ... I think it is getting late though! Hope this helps :)

Chatterbox Childcare
15-09-2008, 09:34 PM
I cannot find it on the IR website.

Will get my NCMA book out of the car tomorrow and pm you

Sorry not much help tonight

Chatterbox Childcare
15-09-2008, 09:37 PM
Hi you need to times your monthly heating bills by 12 (ie months in year) and then divide by 52 (weeks in year) to work out how much you pay each week and then times that by the percentage you can claim back. ie if monthly bills are £99 - x 12 = £1188 divide by 52= £22.85 per week and then 25% of that would be £5.71 ... I think it is getting late though! Hope this helps :)

That sounds easy and well laid out.

Saves me reading again tomorrow

15-09-2008, 09:39 PM
Ok that makes sense but as i work different hours each week would this mean i need to do this for each week and then add them all together for the total for the month?

i work that out to be £16.23 for that month to claim, does that seem a lot to you, i am sure i didnt claim that much before, maybe i had been doing it wrong.

15-09-2008, 09:42 PM
Hi I would base it on average hours worked over the month. No I don't think that sounds too much - gas and electric has gone up so much recently.


16-09-2008, 06:22 AM
Ok here goes - hope I explain this properly.

I get the yearly bill and divide it by 52 - therefore getting a weekly amount.
I then make myself a chart from the NCMA book of how much each percentage would be. eg

Worked XX hours = XX% = XX amount

Then cross reference through the accounts claiming whatever I worked that particular week.

I do the same for Council Tax, Water etc. So when I sit down to do my full accounts at the end of the year I have little charts for each particular thing.

Does that make sense? It is very early:o

22-09-2008, 05:15 AM
I am just working out my first months accounts and I am using the example shown in the NCMA accounts book for guidance. It shows gas/elec, water, council tax being worked out weekly. My hours vary from week to week so should I work out the percentage for each individual week even though it changes. Also I am using the percentages shown in the NCMA book but it states to calculate your percentage if not shown so how do I do this?

One week I currently work 9 hours, the next week I work 19 hours.

Help, please - thank you!

24-09-2008, 10:10 AM
I was just trying to work out the percentages for heating, council tac etc but have managed to get myself totally confused. The list of percentages we are given is that for weekly hours or monthly cos obviously if i work out my hours for a month its going to be a higher percentage and if i do it weekly how do i work my bills out which are quarterly
please help im confused

Because some weeks I am full time and some full time I work my percentages out on a weekly basis. As some of our bills are quarterly I work these amounts out once the bill arrives and divide it by the amount of weeks hte bill covers then I have a weekly amount - hope htat makes sense

24-09-2008, 10:13 AM
I am just working out my first months accounts and I am using the example shown in the NCMA accounts book for guidance. It shows gas/elec, water, council tax being worked out weekly. My hours vary from week to week so should I work out the percentage for each individual week even though it changes. Also I am using the percentages shown in the NCMA book but it states to calculate your percentage if not shown so how do I do this?One week I currently work 9 hours, the next week I work 19 hours. Help, please - thank you!

Someone I think it was John once posted the amounts for all sorts of hours worked so if you search for it you may find it. I just work on three amounts part time up to 20 hours, inbetween - 30 hours and full tiemn 40 hours and above and hte percentages for these form my first NCMA book 5 years ago they may have changed but that is what I work to