View Full Version : EYFS and over 5's

08-09-2008, 01:51 PM

I am going through the process of registering at the moment. However, I am not planning on taking on any under 5's. Will I still have to do all this stuff re the EYFS to get my registration?


08-09-2008, 01:59 PM
You have to do EYFS up the 31st of August following the childs 5th birthday - the end of reception year.

So you will only be taking on 6yrs plus. Your numbers will be reduced.

Is there a particular reason why you are only taking on 6plus age groups. Remeber you will only get before and after schoolers then and in the holidays

08-09-2008, 02:03 PM
I've got a 4year old and a 4month old of my own, so thought I would start with after-school kids. J is going to school in January so I have to do the school run anyway. Perhaps I should think about some company for E when J goes to school...

08-09-2008, 02:08 PM
EYFS is ok really - lots of scary stories going about but its not that bad really.

If your 4yr old is starting school - once they are fulltime they will be considered in your 5yrs plus bracket leaving you two under 5 spaces (this is where you can earn your money), you should then be left with 2 x 5yrsplus bracket spaces. This is providing you will be registered for 6 children under 8 in total