View Full Version : Policies!

24-08-2008, 10:57 AM
Help! I've just read a thread saying that under EYFS you don't have to have policies but as you would be expected to explain your procedures it is worth having them in writing.

In that case, can someone please tell me the main/most important policies to write up? It would seem to me that you could go on forever with a policy on just about everything! (I've looked at the Bromley site!). This prospect has daunted me and is the reason I haven't yet had the time to sit down and write my policies as I thought it would probably take a couple of days!

When my kids go back to school next week I will be having a blitz on the house (again!) and sending my paperwork off. Would it be best to have the policies ready to show the Ofsted inspector on my pre-reg visit?

Hope someone can help!

Carole x

24-08-2008, 11:44 AM
It is right what you read... with eyfs childminders are not required to have written policies and procedures.

We are, however, required to pass on information to parents about our policies and procedures and share them with ofsted.

I cannot see any way of doing this without them written down and in today's litigious society, I would be very concerned about working without them. Can you imagine saying to parents, 'But I told you I wanted paying monthly' and them coming back with... 'Errr, no, you didn't, prove it'!!

As I work now, parents can access a copy of all my policies including my fees policy at any time and if they can't be bothered to read them, their look out!

The eyfs tells you which are the most important, if you read through the Statutory Requirements...

Some inspectors like seeing minders have made a start with policies, others don't seem bothered.

Hope this helps :D

24-08-2008, 11:45 AM
hi, i had my pre reg visit on friday, ive made a start on some policys but she wasnt bothered about seeing them just looked round the house then went through the standards with me asking questions and making notes

someone put a link on here somewhere about the every child matters which lists the ideal policys under the headings, just spend 10mins looking for it on my laptop and have no idea where it has gone or i would have given you the link ill keep looking though

charlotte x

24-08-2008, 11:52 AM
hi this is what i ment, i hope it will be of some help to you


charlotte x

Chatterbox Childcare
24-08-2008, 11:59 AM
Under the EYFS framework we do have to have policies and as you read through it you will see which ones are needed and applicable to you.

It would be good to start working on these as they will be required after 1st September and if they are not finished by your inspection at least the inspector can see work in progress.


24-08-2008, 12:13 PM
Under the EYFS framework we do have to have policies and as you read through it you will see which ones are needed and applicable to you.

It would be good to start working on these as they will be required after 1st September and if they are not finished by your inspection at least the inspector can see work in progress.


The eyfs actually states, in the introduction to the statutory framework...

'it will not be necessary for childminders to have written copies of these policies and procedures'

Sadly not good practice to tear them up and throw them on the fire though :(

24-08-2008, 12:22 PM
Sarah is correct childminders do not have to have written policies under EYFS - there is no legal requirement to do so.

But they are good practice and help explain both to parents and Ofsted how we do our job

Read through your EYFS pack - that should give you a good idea of what you might need a policy for

Miffy xx

24-08-2008, 04:37 PM
Thanks all - I knew you would help!

I'll have another read through my EYFS pack then and hopefully that should get me started!

Carole x

24-08-2008, 06:35 PM
Thanks all - I knew you would help!

I'll have another read through my EYFS pack then and hopefully that should get me started!

Carole x

Hi I know exactly how you feel.... I am already a registered childminder (but in Wales) and I had to work with the Foundation Phase from September... Well lucky me I decided to move to England and now I have to convert to the Foundation Stage from Sept. so I have already done it once and now I have to tweek it for England (I must love the stress).... It is like reading "double dutch" and after many sleepless nights it will click. I am awaiting my ofsted inspection.. but I have have just had my CSSIW inspection.. I need a holiday!!!!
Good luck.... you will do it. Karen :panic:

Chatterbox Childcare
24-08-2008, 08:28 PM
Hi I know exactly how you feel.... I am already a registered childminder (but in Wales) and I had to work with the Foundation Phase from September... Well lucky me I decided to move to England and now I have to convert to the Foundation Stage from Sept. so I have already done it once and now I have to tweek it for England (I must love the stress).... It is like reading "double dutch" and after many sleepless nights it will click. I am awaiting my ofsted inspection.. but I have have just had my CSSIW inspection.. I need a holiday!!!!
Good luck.... you will do it. Karen :panic:

I think we all know that feeling!
