View Full Version : Summer holidays!

Pixie dust
22-07-2023, 07:52 AM
Happy summer holidays ! I think the majority of schools have now finished for the summer....have fun whatever you are doing. I am working throughout apart from 1 week when we are on holiday.

As far as the children go I have either really busy days or really quiet with only 2 children in. I haven't planned anything but over the weekend I am going to plan out a few activities to keep everyone busy. I have a supply of crafts ready which the 6 year olds love as they are happiest when crafting :laughing::laughing:

I have seen a few childminders on instagram that are term time only and wonder how the parents all manage over the holidays, maybe they have a lot of teacher families. I have a couple of families who's parents work in school but they still come over the holidays (reduced hours) so the parents can have a break.

Have a good weekend, I am off out with my 2 best friends this afternoon who are celebrating the end of term as they work in a term time nursery ......not jealous at all:laughing:

22-07-2023, 12:24 PM
Happy holidays!

Our school breaks up on tuesday, but I'm off next week, working 4 weeks, then off the last week! I've also got some busy days and some very quiet days with just one little one in.

I've made some vague plans but mainly aim to just chill and potter! I've got lots of craft activities in a box, along with a box of random half finished bits and bobs. Although my big boys just like to be grubbing around outside!

I wondered about doing term time only, as a fair few of mine are termtime only as they either have teacher parents, or older siblings but for those that i do have, they do need me, and would be stuck if i took all the holidays off! I'm actually wondering about possibly taking a week in the term time next summer ... or maybe summer 2024 ... better give everyone lots of notice:laughing:

22-07-2023, 04:03 PM
Loocyloo if your own children are now 'grown up' then you should definitely take a week off during term time. How lovely would that be! Everywhere would be lovely and quiet.

Most of our local schools also break up on Tuesday. Two of mine will be moving on in September and I'll miss them, so I'm soaking up all the time with them. I'm currently arranging parent visits to replace them.

When you both say you have craft bits lined up - don't you find craft bits are expensive? I used to have tons of stuff, mostly because I was buying it for DD, but we have been gradually using it all up, which is great, but I don't want to be shelling out to replace it all. I don't mind paint, as that's very reasonable, but collage bits and pieces - you just use it once and it's gone! I'd rather be buying a resource that will last. As for glue sticks, I seem to spend a small fortune on those!

22-07-2023, 04:25 PM
Loocyloo if your own children are now 'grown up' then you should definitely take a week off during term time. How lovely would that be! Everywhere would be lovely and quiet.

Most of our local schools also break up on Tuesday. Two of mine will be moving on in September and I'll miss them, so I'm soaking up all the time with them. I'm currently arranging parent visits to replace them.

When you both say you have craft bits lined up - don't you find craft bits are expensive? I used to have tons of stuff, mostly because I was buying it for DD, but we have been gradually using it all up, which is great, but I don't want to be shelling out to replace it all. I don't mind paint, as that's very reasonable, but collage bits and pieces - you just use it once and it's gone! I'd rather be buying a resource that will last. As for glue sticks, I seem to spend a small fortune on those!

Scary that my children are grown up, but i think DD will still want to come away with us :laughing: Bank of mum and dad and all that!

My craft bits are either remains of kits bought when they weren't exorbitant! Sometimes a friend and I buy kits on the sales and share them. (But haven't seen anything worth buying lately!) Otherwise, it's bits from the works or poundland/ other 'pound/cheap' shops and sometimes hobbycraft. Or Amazon/ebay ... sometimes if there is something i like the look of, that costs a fortune. I look to see if i can print something off and make it myself. I used to use crafty crocodiles, but haven't looked at them for ages. I get my glue sticks from the works. They do a purple one that seems pretty good. I use PVA glue alot.
Otherwise; I collect junk/ sweet wrappers/ sequins and plastic gems from a wedding party/ old bits of toys etc plus odds and ends from charity shops for my craft box. I have a tub that has all scraps of paper/ etc in for collages. My family laugh at me, but, they all pick up 'useful' things when they see them going begging:laughing:

22-07-2023, 05:59 PM
Thanks for the tip about glue from the works. I'll definitely look out for that.

Pixie dust
26-07-2023, 08:27 AM
When you both say you have craft bits lined up - don't you find craft bits are expensive? I used to have tons of stuff, mostly because I was buying it for DD, but we have been gradually using it all up, which is great, but I don't want to be shelling out to replace it all. I don't mind paint, as that's very reasonable, but collage bits and pieces - you just use it once and it's gone! I'd rather be buying a resource that will last. As for glue sticks, I seem to spend a small fortune on those!

I have a few craft kits from Baker Ross which I keep for rainy days or if the little ones are napping during the holidays (which they don't) ....window stickers to colour in/scratch art I normally buy these when they have a promotion on My older ones are happy making their own things with paper/pens/glue. Paper is what I get through the most and most of it ends up in my recycle bin!

It's day 3 here of the holidays and it's a quiet one for me as I only have 2 unlike yesterday where it was a full house. I find it's easier when there are more as they entertain each other.

26-07-2023, 10:25 AM
I'm off this week.
DD and I went to see Barbie yesterday :laughing: ..i don't know what i was expecting, but it wasn't anything like it! Very good, but I'm slightly querying my entire existence now! I'm also slightly disturbed by the bleached blond hair and chiselled body of Ryan Gosling!:laughing:
Today we're heading off to London for a wander.

My holidays have got quieter as a pair of holiday only children are not coming, so although I'll miss them, they are a bit older, and really change the dynamics! However, it does mean that i won't go through nearly so much craft stuff :D:clapping: i can't decide if not having them makes my life easier or harder! More children make the days go faster and everyone is always occupied. Less children mean calmer days and as they are generally my little ones they can just happily potter around! ( and give me time when they nap ;):clapping:

Pixie dust
26-07-2023, 04:23 PM
Hope you has fun in London ! I love visiting London.

People seem to either really love the Barbie movie or hate it. I am not too sure of the storyline to be fair.

Enjoy the rest of your week off.

26-07-2023, 08:21 PM
Hope you has fun in London ! I love visiting London.

People seem to either really love the Barbie movie or hate it. I am not too sure of the storyline to be fair.

Enjoy the rest of your week off.

Thanks. We had a good wander around Covent Garden. I used to spend loads of time in London when i was a teen and loved Covent Garden then. Then DH was at uni in London (before he was a DH :laughing:) so again, spent plenty of time there. But now we live 'ooop north' its not quite so easy (or so cheap :censored:) to jump on a train, DD is still getting her bearings before moving to London for college. I always forget now, how easy it is to walk around, rather than getting tubes!

Barbie movie ... 'Barbie and Ken are having the time of their lives in the colorful and seemingly perfect world of Barbie Land. However, when they get a chance to go to the real world, they soon discover the joys and perils of living among humans' :laughing: not sure that really helps!

Pixie dust
30-07-2023, 07:33 PM
Barbie movie ... 'Barbie and Ken are having the time of their lives in the colorful and seemingly perfect world of Barbie Land. However, when they get a chance to go to the real world, they soon discover the joys and perils of living among humans' not sure that really helps!

My friend and I went to see the movie today to see what all the fuss is about, it's definitely a strange one but we did enjoy it.

04-08-2023, 06:51 PM
So, I popped into The Works and bought a couple of craft kits for Christmas! So much for me not wanting to spend money on crafts! I was on holiday too, but we popped into Monmouth - the closest big high street to where we were staying. Have you been - it's lovely. Loads of charity shops too and I bought some beautiful lace doilies from one of them. DH and DD couldn't get their heads around that purchase, but I think they are lovely, open ended loose parts.

Pixie dust
04-08-2023, 07:04 PM
Hope you had a lovely holiday Maza.....I am excited as tomorrow I get to go to IKEA :clapping::clapping::clapping: I am on a flying visit to my youngest who is moving, they have Ikea just up the road from them. I don't need anything major but have a list if a few bits for the house but I am sure I will leave with more than what's on my list.

05-08-2023, 04:04 PM
That sounds lovely Maza and enjoy Pixie!

We're down in London moving half of DDs stuff in for college, and i 'accidentally' wandered into several charity shops. I resisted a 2ft tall dinosaur :laughing: it was hard, but i managed it... mainly because my 2 dino fiends have moved on and everyone else appears to be tractor mad! There is also a works and poundland stores ... that's my treat for tomorrow before we leave to come home :laughing:

05-08-2023, 07:15 PM
Loocyloo, look for a Flying Tiger shop too - I'm sure I remember you saying you didn't have one where you live. To be honest, I don't think they are as good as they used to be though - although maybe that's because I'm in a different town now and my old one was brill.

Pixie - did you buy lots at Ikea?

I called in at my local charity shop today. I just bought a book by Claudia Winkleman. No idea if it will be decent or not. I'm currently reading my second hand copy of Matthew Perry's book (Chandler, from Friends). It's an interesting read because I'm obsessed with Friends, but I'm not convinced it is that well written - it's a bit choppy and jumps about.

05-08-2023, 08:14 PM
Ooo Maza, I love flying tiger (but i agree, not as good as they used to be! ) I used to have one in my closest town, then a few years ago one opened in York. I usually pop in when I'm there, but i don't really go into York that much.

Pixie dust
07-08-2023, 07:20 PM
Pixie - did you buy lots at Ikea?

No I only got a couple of things that I wanted for home, my friend came with me who also works in early years and we stood debating on the low small circular tray table they have, perfect mini tuff tray :laughing:

08-08-2023, 06:47 PM
Well done for not buying it!

I was on a dog walk a few weeks ago and someone had left a water tray outside their house - free to a good home. It was a bit tricky carrying it home and holding the dog lead, lol, but it was so worth it as it is one of my favourites! I keep walking down the same street hoping that they are giving something else away, but no luck yet!

08-08-2023, 07:55 PM
No I only got a couple of things that I wanted for home, my friend came with me who also works in early years and we stood debating on the low small circular tray table they have, perfect mini tuff tray :laughing:

Lol ... i have resisted it several times :laughing: DH said he didn't think it was sturdy enough and the supports could be dangerous! I bowed to his engineering wisdom .... and have asked him to make me one! ... probably won't happen but he would say anything to stop me buying half of ikea:laughing:

Pixie dust
09-08-2023, 08:17 AM
Lol ... i have resisted it several times :laughing: DH said he didn't think it was sturdy enough and the supports could be dangerous! I bowed to his engineering wisdom .... and have asked him to make me one! ... probably won't happen but he would say anything to stop me buying half of ikea:laughing:

To be honest I really didn't need it and I don't have the space either, I have 2 large tuff trays, one which is currently stored in the shed plus I have a square tray and a couple of the long thin trays which I hardly use.

Pixie dust
14-08-2023, 08:44 AM
Morning ! we are halfway through the holidays here and I am counting down to my week off :clapping:

How is everyone? We have had a few trips out to the beach and local park. We have also had a couple of cases of chicken pox which seems never ending as one person has it then 2 weeks later another case.

Just wondering what you all do for paperwork ? accident forms/contracts etc as I use Pacey at the moment for my insurance and documentation then Tapestry for Learning journeys/observations but everything is up for renewal this month and I am trying to work out which is going to be most cost effective as Pacey are moving to Digital paperwork which can work out quite expensive when bought individually but they do a deal which includes Kinderly which is an online admin system so I then wouldn't need Tapestry which I don't use half as much as I used too.I do like having paper copies of forms. I know childcare.co.uk do insurance too what does everyone else do for paperwork etc ? In this current climate I am thinking which is going to be the most cost affective:)

14-08-2023, 06:19 PM
Morning ! we are halfway through the holidays here and I am counting down to my week off :clapping:

How is everyone? We have had a few trips out to the beach and local park. We have also had a couple of cases of chicken pox which seems never ending as one person has it then 2 weeks later another case.

Just wondering what you all do for paperwork ? accident forms/contracts etc as I use Pacey at the moment for my insurance and documentation then Tapestry for Learning journeys/observations but everything is up for renewal this month and I am trying to work out which is going to be most cost effective as Pacey are moving to Digital paperwork which can work out quite expensive when bought individually but they do a deal which includes Kinderly which is an online admin system so I then wouldn't need Tapestry which I don't use half as much as I used too.I do like having paper copies of forms. I know childcare.co.uk do insurance too what does everyone else do for paperwork etc ? In this current climate I am thinking which is going to be the most cost affective:)

Afternoon! I was only thinking this morning 'woohoo' 'half way' :laughing: we've been out and about and somehow, so far, have barely touched any craft/activities i have ready at home!

I gave up with Pacey contracts etc about 3 years ago. I got fed up with them having things i didn't want in them, and things i did, not in them! I now use the childcare.co sample/ template contract. i created my own child record form and I already had all my own other forms. I prefer having a paper copy. I get parents to fill in and sign contracts/ child record form with me, and then i scan them in and send them a copy/ keep a copy for me.
Then, using the Pacey medical forms as a guide, i again, created my own which i print out and keep in a folder with a section for each child, along with their child record form etc.
I also created my own attendance register which is a bit faffy as it takes an hour or so each term to create/ print out/ put in file. But it means i can keep each child's info together individually for the whole year. (I did try keeping medical forms as part of it, but it got too big and bulky)
I use 2 simple for obs and send those to the parents every couple of months. I got a long term deal on that a while back... and I've got a while to decide what I'll do when it ends. (If someone could create /or knows of an app where i can select photos for a child and put them on one sheet to print/ send without having to download to my laptop and faff around, that would be great!) Otherwise, i use a scrap book per child to stick things in/ scribble notes and i do print out the obs and file a copy in there too!
I also have the childcare insurance (it is a very good deal for me, as I've been a member of childcare.co.uk pretty much since it started!)
I used to still pay for pacey membership, but i realised last year, that i hadn't used it for anything, as i could get discounted training and Sarahs amazing webinars through childcare.co.uk! (This isn't a plug for c.c.uk ... just for me, it works out much better)

I just prefer paper copies to things. I find it easier and quicker than needing to use my phone/laptop all the time.

Pixie dust
14-08-2023, 07:33 PM
Thanks loocyloo that's so helpful. I already make my own registers. I am not very good making documents etc but am thinking it once I have set it all up it will be worth it. I used to make scrap books for the children but scaled all that back when everything went digital but I do think they are lovely for parents to look back on.

14-08-2023, 08:18 PM
I got fed up with Pacey because somewhere along the line they made a spelling mistake with my name and they couldn't rectify it, and so it meant I couldn't access any of their training or anything. Anyway, I switched my insurance to childcare.co.uk and love that that it means you get Gold membership, and I get most of my families through that.

I use childcare.co.uk contracts, but have added/deleted little bits here and there. I use their accident/medication forms.

I type up a few observations each month for each child - just made up my own form. I don't add any photos - I just whatsApp them to parents - not every day.

Pixie dust
15-08-2023, 07:39 AM
I think I will do a bit of research re cost this afternoon as should be finished by 4 as I want to get things sorted before we go away, well a plan anyway so I know what I am doing hopefully . I think I have just stuck. with Pacey as it's easier than changing :blush:

Just a quick question re accounts....do you do you own as I do and use Pacey's accounts book too? I have one for the current tax year but thinking ahead.

15-08-2023, 12:38 PM
Just a quick question re accounts....do you do you own as I do and use Pacey's accounts book too? I have one for the current tax year but thinking ahead.

I created my own bits, initially basing them on the Pacey ones, but then my own!

I used to keep an envelope on the side for each weeks expenses/ mileage and then each month, add them together and put them in another bigger envelope, with total income and total expenses on the outside. Starting from Sept, I'm going to trial just using the bigger envelope and keeping all the months expenses together to start with!

Good luck!

15-08-2023, 06:19 PM
I used to use the pacey accounts book.

Now, DH does my tax return and has his own system using excel.

16-08-2023, 05:53 PM
So, I popped into The Works and bought a couple of craft kits for Christmas! So much for me not wanting to spend money on crafts! I was on holiday too, but we popped into Monmouth - the closest big high street to where we were staying. Have you been - it's lovely. Loads of charity shops too and I bought some beautiful lace doilies from one of them. DH and DD couldn't get their heads around that purchase, but I think they are lovely, open ended loose parts.

So, I put out the lovely doilies that I bought. I just left them to see what they would do with them...They were pretending they had colds and were using them as tissues to mock sneeze into! :panic::laughing:

16-08-2023, 06:37 PM
So, I put out the lovely doilies that I bought. I just left them to see what they would do with them...They were pretending they had colds and were using them as tissues to mock sneeze into! :panic::laughing:

:laughing: :laughing::laughing:

Pixie dust
16-08-2023, 08:09 PM
So, I put out the lovely doilies that I bought. I just left them to see what they would do with them...They were pretending they had colds and were using them as tissues to mock sneeze into!

So sorry Maza but that made me laugh out loud :laughing::laughing:

23-08-2023, 06:05 AM
Wednesday again! The weeks are flying past. This is my last week of working this holidays as I'm off next week.

And as usual, I've got loads of activities that we haven't done, as we've tended to be out for the day and then come home in time for tea and to go home! I really ought to learn that i never need all the stuff i plan:laughing: ... but then, i just know that I'd be caught out!

Have a good day everyone. I've got one of my new little ones coming for a settling session this morning. Hoping it goes well... due to school!, my being off, and then the family being away, i haven't seen them for a couple of months.

23-08-2023, 08:35 AM
I'm also off next week to spend some time with DD before she goes back to school.

This week is the last week for one of mine before he starts school. I've had him full time since he was a baby, so it's a big one. He's not 100 percent as he was off last week poorly, so he needs a slower couple of days, and mum is popping in all week with his meds at lunch time (he plays up with medicine, so she's giving it to him). This means we can't have any nice days out for his last week, which is a shame. It's a bit of a 'flat' week for him, but that's the beauty of childminding - we can adapt our pace to the needs of the children, where as a nursery can't.

I had a new one in for a settling in session yesterday and he was great. The others all bonded with him quickly, so I have positive vibes for September.

Have you got anything nice planned for your week off Loocyloo?

23-08-2023, 09:42 AM
Aw Maza, that's a shame you can't have a any nice days out, but actually, for some of my children, they've needed a quiet few days/ weeks before they left so they felt 'too old' for 'Loocyloos' and ready to head off to school.

My new little settling in child was awesome! You'd have thought they'd been coming for years! Phenomenal language too at not yet 2 yrs old! My 2.5 yr boys won't know what's hit them:laughing:

Have a lovely week off Maza and enjoy the time with your DD. Mine is a wierd week off... we're taking DD to College with all her stuff (that we didn't take down a few weeks ago) and managing to pop into London to catch a show! Then we're driving across to the cotswolds to pick up a carfull of stuff from DSs lodgings for this past year, and (after spending time with DS) delivering it to his Uni house for his last year (He's taking the rest the following weekend once he's finished his placement, but he can't get it all in his car:laughing: ... HOW?... he only took one car load down when he moved in! :laughing:) Then home to spend a couple of days pottering round and then we're off to VW show for the weekend with friends. It's going to be odd to be 'on our own' for the first time in over 21 years!
I'm also planning on getting organised :laughing::laughing: because I've got 3 new babies and my 22mth old all starting the following week :laughing:

23-08-2023, 03:54 PM
Gosh loocyloo, that's a busy week off for you! That's a lot of new starters in one week too - but I'm sure you'll take it all in your stride. I've only got one new starter, but I've got a couple of siblings increasing their days, so it will be a fairly easy transition into September for me.

23-08-2023, 06:34 PM
Gosh loocyloo, that's a busy week off for you! That's a lot of new starters in one week too - but I'm sure you'll take it all in your stride. I've only got one new starter, but I've got a couple of siblings increasing their days, so it will be a fairly easy transition into September for me.

I would have preferred to spread my new starters out, but what with being off next week, and then school going back the following week, and 3 of the 4 having parents who are teachers/ work in schools, there isn't much i can do and the 4ths mum maternity actually finishes this week ... so she's got next week covered and then that's it! Baptism by fire! I might be rocking in the corner come 6pm each day :laughing:

25-08-2023, 07:12 AM
I moved to childcare.co for my insurance this year as they offer more courses and learning. I was a bit peeved that after joining it said that renewal was always in December. Does anybody know if this is how it works

25-08-2023, 05:28 PM
I moved to childcare.co for my insurance this year as they offer more courses and learning. I was a bit peeved that after joining it said that renewal was always in December. Does anybody know if this is how it works

Ummmmm ... no idea!
I've just looked mine up, and my membership renews at the end of March every year. But that might be because I joined way back when. Who knows.
I do find them very good for training opportunities. X

25-08-2023, 06:23 PM
I moved to childcare.co for my insurance this year as they offer more courses and learning. I was a bit peeved that after joining it said that renewal was always in December. Does anybody know if this is how it works

Mine says that as well. To be honest, I've never got my head around it - I keep meaning to look into it. I'm sure I still only pay once a year - which isn't in December. I remember someone asking on FB once about this. Do let me know if you work it out before I do.

Pixie dust
26-08-2023, 12:39 PM
Hi I am back from a lovely week up North....what a beautiful part of the world you live in Loocyloo! Now catching up with washing etc and trying to put off getting my head in to work mode just yet :laughing:

then we're driving across to the cotswolds to pick up a carfull of stuff from DSs lodgings for this past year, and (after spending time with DS) delivering it to his Uni house for his last year (He's taking the rest the following weekend once he's finished his placement, but he can't get it all in his car ... HOW?... he only took one car load down when he moved in!

This is just like my step daughter who ended up having several cars loads brought back when we and other family visited her plus an emergency call to her sister to help her move her last few bits back as she couldn't fit it all in to her car ! Most of her belongings are stored in a spare bedroom here at the moment whilst she is away working for the summer then she is going to work out where she will actually be living :laughing:

26-08-2023, 03:05 PM
Hi I am back from a lovely week up North....what a beautiful part of the world you live in Loocyloo! Now catching up with washing etc and trying to put off getting my head in to work mode just yet :laughing:


Have fun washing!
I wondered if it was this past week that you were up my way! Glad you had a lovely time, and i think the weather was ok ish! :D

26-08-2023, 07:58 PM
Were you on holiday, Pixie?

I'm on holiday this coming week (just at home) and I don't know how to spend it. I feel under pressure to make the most of it, but apart from one day, I have no plans, or any ideas what so ever.

27-08-2023, 07:35 AM
Have a lovely week's holiday Maza. DH and I are off this week too.

If you think you want to spend some time doing work stuff, timetable it into your week and try not to spend whole week doing work stuff! (I'm very guilty of that ... i pop into the dining room for X Y or Z and get sidetracked by things i remember i need to do, or i have an idea for something etc :laughing:)

I find if I'm having a weeks holiday at home i need to 'timetable' my week otherwise i do nothing and then feel I've wasted the time off. And if DH is off, and we don't have plans, he can equally lose days in his shed!

How about planning a walk/ visit to somewhere you haven't been/ enjoy visiting? A trip to cinema/ theatre? Do something touristy in your area? (DH and I are going to the beach for the afternoon/evg and weather dependent... I'm planning a boat trip:laughing:) Also, as it's MY holiday... I'm not spending it cooking. Meals out/takeaways and trying to persuade DH not to collapse in front of tv in the evening. If we're away, we go for walks/sit in pubs in the evening.
Sorry, turned into a waffley message! But DO rest and enjoy the week off. X

Pixie dust
27-08-2023, 02:18 PM
Were you on holiday, Pixie?

Yes we just had a week away in North Yorkshire, it was lovely just being away and not thinking about work etc. I have put off all work related activities until tomorrow when I will have to get set up ready for Tuesday.

28-08-2023, 07:09 PM
I had all last week off so today is my last day. I’ve done virtually nothing and feel much better for it. Two days of children now then back to school next week. I hate the first weeks back especially if it’s sunny. I just want to go and grab them all and have fun in the park with them again. Think it goes back to when I was at school and used to dread going back after the holidays. Nowadays they seem to love going back to see friend etc