View Full Version : Knee walking

19-06-2023, 03:25 PM
Have any of you ever had a child who 'walks' on their knees?

I have a child who is 16 months old. He was late to crawl and, for a while, didn't like to be on his feet at all. He then started crawling and now pulls himself to stand and cruises round the furniture. But he makes no effort to walk other than that. If you try giving him a push along walker, or you try holding his hands to walk, he sits down.

Last week he started knee walking. He moves really quickly, but on his knees. He's sitting up as he does it, so not sat on his legs, and zooms round on his knees. I don't remember ever having seen a child do it before.

20-06-2023, 06:08 AM
I haven't, but my neice was a knee walker. She was very tall and again, late to crawl. She did eventually walk around the age of 2. I think she had unstable joints/poor muscle tone as her arms and legs always looked very skinny.

20-06-2023, 01:34 PM
I haven't come across knee walking as such, but all the other things you described, yes. My late crawler/walker sounded exactly like yours. Her mum had hypermobility, and I wouldn't be surprised if this little one had it too, or something similar. She was never particularly agile and didn't seem to bend her knees enough when she ran (so maybe not hypermobility?). She left me before her 2 year check though, so don't know if anything was picked up, but I did always wonder.