View Full Version : When to allow prospective parents visit

10-06-2023, 08:03 PM
At what point do you allow prospective parents to visit your setting?

So...I am 99 percent sure that I will have a space on a couple of days in September. However, three of my current mums circumstances are changing come September and might be wanting to swap/reduce/increase a day here and there. They are all speaking to their bosses currently, so everything is up in the air.

I also have a couple of prospective parents who haven't made firm plans on what days they will need (talking to their bosses too, at the moment). They are probably weighing up all of the childcare options too, which will influence what they try and negotiate with their bosses maybe. Fair enough.

Soooo, would you let people come and visit before they properly know what they want and before I properly know what is available? Or do you wait until you are both certain of what you can offer/need?

Pixie dust
10-06-2023, 08:31 PM
I normally have parents visit if I have the space, I recently had a family who were interested in a space but wasn't sure what availability I would have in September until a couple of weeks ago and as it happens I won't have the space they needed so have had to tell them sorry but I can't help. They haven't visited until I could confirm a place. It's always a tricky one as a parent may visit and for whatever reason they may decide not to take up a space.

On the other hand if a family visit it may make them sort out their plans sooner rather than later to secure a place .............sorry wasn't a helpful reply :laughing:

11-06-2023, 09:05 AM
It was helpful Pixie, because it confirms that it is all a balancing act and that there is no right and wrong way, as long as you are both upfront about where you currently stand.

I think parents don't realise that having parents visit is actually a big thing for us - getting the house ready, the emotional side of showing your home to a stranger and waiting for their 'opinion' - it's all very time consuming on our part. Very different to dropping in on a nursery and being shown around.

11-06-2023, 03:35 PM
I too, usually try to hold parents off until I have a 'firm' space to offer, but occasionally will have a 'bump' come to visit when they are thinking about childcare!

I have a current family wanting to visit, but on their terms! ... I also don't have the space they want, no idea when or if I will have the space they want, and one more stroppy email and I won't ever have a space! :laughing:

I always find it a nightmare and hate saying to parents ' no, you can't come and visit at 4.30 pm, because I'll be in the middle of doing tea, and can't talk'. One dad once said ' oh, we'll just wander around and wait' and was put out when I said NO, they could come at 5.30 once I'd finished work, because my minded children come first and I couldn't have people wandering around my house! My other bugbear is parents who want to visit mid/late morning ... No, I'm busy/out! I explain that just because I work from home, it doesn't mean I AM at home, and my minded children have to come first! I usually offer a visit from 9am to 10am (stating I am going out at 10) occasionally 1-2 or 5.30-6.30!

11-06-2023, 06:33 PM
Yes loocyloo, you have to start as you mean to go on with parents trying to push the boundaries! I was reading some of my old posts on here the other day, and it reminded me of how my current parents, even though they are very sweet, totally thought my world revolved around them, even before I signed them up. I don't like confrontation or being tough, and so it was really stressful having to put my foot down so many times. Reading through the old posts helped me realise how far I had come with regards to 'training up the parents', lol. I'm determined to be stronger with the next set of parents.

12-06-2023, 04:19 PM
I try not to see parents until I know I've definitely go a space.

I've done it in the past where I've explained I may or may not have a space, parents visit anyway, the space doesn't become available and I have to tell them I can't take them on after all. Despite having explained the situation, parents hear what they want to hear, and don't listen to the bit where I say the space isn't definite! They're not happy when I say I can't do it.