View Full Version : How do you manage muddy clothes?

05-05-2023, 01:59 PM
How do you manage muddy clothes and boots after outdoor play?

Do you have a special mat or rug by the door? How do you deal with putting muddy clothes back on t he next day if they are covered in dried mud which just flakes off all over the floor?

I don't suppose there is a magic formula is there? Is it just a case of cleaning/hoovering up a zillion times?

05-05-2023, 03:06 PM
I've got one of these and use it to rinse things off outside.

4140 4-in-1 Multi Use Portashower | The Garden Range (https://www.thegardenrange.co.uk/p/garden-tools/4140-4-in-1-multi-use-portashower/?gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwKS8prre_gIVg_ftCh2segFCEAQYByAB EgJiz_D_BwE)

I think it's easier as I have an assistant. When the children have finished playing, they come in one at a time. One of us strips off their wet/muddy/messy stuff at the backdoor and sends them in to the other one who washes their hands. The one outside then rinses down the boots, waterproofs, aprons etc.

My son borrows it when they take the dog out! They can clean her off before she gets back in the car!

06-05-2023, 07:30 PM
If we're outside the house, then we strip off boots and all in ones (usually leaving them inside out) and come in to wash hands etc. I then either put stuff in bags to go home, or rinse off under outside tap and leave on mat/ old towel/ newspaper inside ( tiled kitchen floor! )
If we're out, then strip off boots/ all in ones, again, keeping them inside out- containing the mud! And then put them all in an ikea bag to take home!
If its actual muddy clothing, then again we strip off as we come in and wash hands and put clean clothes on. I always carry a bag of spare clothes in the car.
The majority of the little children that come, keep wellies and waterproofs here, so I either wash, dry or shake them off ready for the next day!