View Full Version : February Fun!

02-02-2023, 04:52 PM
Here we are in February already. Before we know it it’ll be half term :laughing:

What’s everyone been up to this week? I’ve had a new starter come for some settling in sessions. They’ve just screamed the whole time they’ve been here. It’s a while since I’ve had a child who hasn’t settled straight away, so it’s thrown me a bit. I’m not used to it and hoping it doesn’t last long.
One of the other children is going through a rather testing phase as well so it’s been a tough week!

I’ve finished for the weekend now though, so I’m already packed away and putting it behind me till Monday :D

Pixie dust
03-02-2023, 11:33 AM
We have enjoyed a lot of book related play as its National storytelling week, I don't normally do a lot of things related to all the themed days/weeks but the children here are really in to stories at the moment . We have also been to the library to change our books as they are a little late going back :blush: We have noticed a few little bulbs poking through the soil so spring is on its way!

Today is my day off too so I am just catching up with a few jobs before heading out for an appointment this afternoon.

We have one more week here before half term but I am working and now wondering why I didn't book a few days off as :laughing:

03-02-2023, 05:20 PM
This week has been lovely, but seems incredibly long!

We went to the woods yesterday and lay on a blanket 'forest bathing' watching the fir trees blowing in the gentle wind and listening to the birds. Bliss! I could have fallen asleep and I had 2,3 yr olds lie there for a good 15/20 mins with only a little chattering! Even my 13 mth old sat quietly! Think we'll try that again!

Looking forward to a peaceful weekend before another busy week! Then a busyish half term. A couple of days are crazy busy and the other 2 are very quiet!


13-02-2023, 07:34 AM

or at least, if it is half term where you are!

weather is looking dry and cold, but not tooooooooo cold, so that is good! I am planning on being OUT OUT OUT most of the days.

Is anyone doing anything exciting? I'm not! and I haven't done anything exciting or even mildly interesting either :laughing:

Have fun everyone :clapping::clapping:

Pixie dust
13-02-2023, 03:10 PM
Half term here and it seems like I will be having a quiet week. I don't have anything planned. Tomorrow I think we will do some Valentines craft as I have two older ones who love doing craft. We will probably go to the local beach and park at some point during the week depending on the weather. The most I will have on any one day will be 3 children so it will be nice to get out and about if we can.

18-02-2023, 08:24 AM
And just like that, Half Term is over!

We had a good one and am now starting to think about Spring/ Lent & Easter, with World book day thrown in! I know there is also comic relief. Any other events I have forgotten? Oh, St Patrick's day!

But for now, I'm in bed with a cup of tea and a biscuit!

Pixie dust
18-02-2023, 09:46 AM
Our half term was even quieter than expected as lots of viruses still doing the rounds but it did mean we got out and about as there were less children.

Yesterday I had a long overdue catch up with a friend, we went out to a little town near us, had a browse in the shops then stopped for tea and cake :) nothing else planned for the weekend apart from a little bit of work admin, making a rough plan of things for the next half term. I don't do formal plans just jot a few things in the diary.

Loocyloo do you do something for all those events as sometimes they creep up on me, then we don't anything plus I have a lot of 2 years olds and some of the days have no relevance to them, I am always debating with myself if I should be celebrating them or not .

Will be watching The Masked Singer final later :laughing:

18-02-2023, 12:46 PM
Our half term was even quieter than expected as lots of viruses still doing the rounds but it did mean we got out and about as there were less children.

Yesterday I had a long overdue catch up with a friend, we went out to a little town near us, had a browse in the shops then stopped for tea and cake :) nothing else planned for the weekend apart from a little bit of work admin, making a rough plan of things for the next half term. I don't do formal plans just jot a few things in the diary.

Loocyloo do you do something for all those events as sometimes they creep up on me, then we don't anything plus I have a lot of 2 years olds and some of the days have no relevance to them, I am always debating with myself if I should be celebrating them or not .

Will be watching The Masked Singer final later :laughing:

Sounds like a nice day Pixie. I've just got back from a long dog walk and catch up with a friend.

I do and don't do anything for those days... they often creep up on me too! I'll make pancakes for pancakes day, and in a box in cupboard I have some cardboard pancakes that come out and we play/ count etc with IF it fits in with what the children are doing. Lent I talk about as getting ready for Easter...a couple of years ago we planted grass seed which by Easter was supposed to have grown to make an Easter Garden! It did grow a bit, but not very well. We'll be going for a walk and collecting some branches that will make an Easter display, and if we're lucky, will also continue to grow leaves etc ( we only cut branches from my garden/friends gardens ) As it gets closer to Easter we'll decorate the branches. World book day we just read books (and it has become a 'thing' since lockdown that we choose a couple of books from my new book stash, and 'hide' them somewhere locally for other children to find ). I don't really do anything for comic relief and I often forget St Patrick's day! I've got lots of little ones too, and I'm not sure what they gain from alot of 'events' so I tend to just focus on those that mean something/ are relevant to us.
Lol! Just heard an advert for mothers day on the radio! We'll be making simple cards for that :laughing:

I can't wait for masked singer later. I just want to know who Pheonix is! DH is convinced it is Anton du Beck, but I'm not sure he can sing!

Pixie dust
24-02-2023, 03:07 PM
Hope everyone had a good week, we have had mixed weather but have been out and about. I have started to think about what we will grow this year which will be potatoes, peas, tomatoes and some sweet pea flowers. We have some strawberry plants that seem to take over the garden every year!

Not much planned for the weekend but hopefully we will get out on a long dog walk.

24-02-2023, 05:14 PM

We've had some lovely days and some freezing drizzly days!

We're off to the garden centre next week to choose what won't grow in my garden! :laughing:
The strawberries grow well year on year, and last year nothing else really grew! I did have a few tomatoes but not as many as before! Beans peas and courgettes all died!
I can usually grow sweet peas, but last year even they gave up!

I was going to get some raspberry canes, as my mum used to have some that that grew with no help at all, but I'm not sure if it's the right time of year to plant them!

I look forward to hearing about your planting success Pixie!

28-02-2023, 04:34 PM
I can't believe we're on the last day of the month. February has flown by. It's been a very busy month, workwise and life in general. We're settling in a new child who is a bit of a screamer. It's been a while since we've done an extended settling period, but it's been needed this time. We're now up to 5 hours a day with lots of crying at drop off, but minimal crying throughout the day, so i think we're getting there!

One of the mums arrived yesterday with some cake she'd made. It was a really nice thought and all day I was looking forward to sitting down after work with a cuppa and a piece of cake. Unfortunately, all I can say is, she'd never get far on Bake Off! Oh dear, it really wasn't good! Of course this morning I told her it was lovely so she said she'll bring some more next time she bakes :p I do have some amazingly thoughtful parents and I love that she thought of me...I just wish she was a better baker :laughing:

I hope everyone's having a good week :thumbsup: