View Full Version : Happy Halloween!

31-10-2022, 06:20 PM
Are you all ready for trick or treaters or do you turn your lights off and ignore them? :laughing:

We've had lovely weather today and I said to DH that I thought it would be really busy tonight because it was so nice. Unfortunately the rain started an hour ago and I think that's put everyone off! It's been torrential. We've got a bowl of sweets ready but so far we've only had one family knocking. I hope it dries up soon and more people head out or I'll be left with a load of sweets I don't like!

Pixie dust
31-10-2022, 07:54 PM
Happy Halloween!

We had fun today with our own little pumpkin party, we have had a few trick or treaters this evening but not as many as we normally get so I have plenty of sweets left. We always put a pumpkin out for until about 7.30pm then after that I won't answer the door. I live on a quiet little road so most of them. tend to stick to the nearby housing estate.

Have a good week everyone.

01-11-2022, 07:30 PM
I don't like Halloween particularly, so I'm afraid I turn the lights off, and actually, last night I was out!

When my children were little we lived on a long private road and all the children on the road used to meet at one end, with a few adults and walk down the road, stopping at all the houses. Then they were walked back up the road, being delivered home! It was good fun, but not too excessive! We moved up here, and DH used to take them out, but quite often we'd go to a spooky event at a local museum!

If I'm working I do a party for the children and I always have a little bag of sweets for all my minded children for Halloween, because they get so hyped up about it. We do do Halloween themed crafts and sensory play too. I just leave the house in darkness and warn the parents to text me when they arrive :laughing:

I had my covid jab yesterday and I'm just a little achey in my arm and fatigued today, so off to bed shortly! Can't really get my head round any planning for this week ... vaguely thinking fireworks, but I might wait to see if anyone mentions them!

01-11-2022, 08:46 PM
The rain did die off a little bit last night and the trick or treaters came out, so I managed to get rid of most of the sweets :clapping:

Loocyloo, I was planning on doing the obligatory black card & glitter firework pictures this week :laughing: One of the houses over the road had fireworks last night. I have to say, they were very impressive! I videoed a lot of them so I can show the children.

Today the weather has been awful. DH went to collect our grandson from school. He got absolutely drenched standing in the playground. I told him he now knows what I used to go through when I was doing school runs and he was sat in a warm office :D

02-11-2022, 09:04 AM
We're off to a friends this morning for fireworks painting and firework chalking!

One year I remember seeing instructions for sugar or was it salt paint to make sparkly fireworks pictures, but I don't remember it working that well!

Have fun all xx

02-11-2022, 06:42 PM
I turned all light off at front of house . Don’t particularly like treat and treat.

04-11-2022, 07:24 AM
How’s everyone’s week been?

I had a week full of under the weather children. None were ill enough that they couldn’t be here, but none of them were quite themselves. I blame the weather! It’s gone from being really quite nice, to wet, to windy, to freezing cold. The clocks going back didn’t help either as it threw a few of the children’s sleep patterns out. Several of them had been waking up well before 6am so were tired before they even arrived. We ended up having a restful week - chilling, napping and taking it easy.

It’s now my day off and I’m off to town with my daughter. I’ve said I might start Christmas shopping! Maza would be so proud of me getting an early start :laughing:

:waving::waving: Sending a wave to Maza. She does still read the posts but can’t get logged on to the site to reply. She says hello to everyone :D

Pixie dust
04-11-2022, 11:58 AM
Mouse that's lovely to know Maza is still out there and is ok as she just disappeared.

I have had one off this week due to illness. We haven't done too much this week simply due to the on going building work we are having done so it's been a bit tricky but we have managed, hopefully next week it will all be done.
It's my day off to so I am trying to get things a bit tidy and organised for the weekend, actually haven't got any of the builders in today so it's nice having the house to myself. Off to do a food shop soon and then walk the dog in the daylight!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

05-11-2022, 04:16 PM
Hello Maza! Miss you xx

I've also picked up a few bits for Christmas today!