View Full Version : Weekly chat Mon 14th Feb

15-02-2022, 10:40 AM
A day late, but better late than never! And I've double checked I've got the right month this time so I'm not confusing everyone :laughing:

I've got a quiet week this week as we've been hit by chicken pox and the children are taking it in turns to go down with it. It's typical, just last week I was saying to one of the dads that it was the first time in ages that all the children were well at the same time - no coughs, no colds, no snotty noses. An then they start with chicken pox. I shouldn't have said anything!

Did everyone have a lovely valentine's day? Do you do anything special as a couple? DH and I barely acknowledge it :laughing: I did some craft activities with the children, but that's as far as it goes.

What's everyone got planned for the week? We were going to go for a walk this morning, but it's raining heavily so we'll save that for another time. The children have been playing happily together anyway so it would have seemed a bit of a shame to interrupt their games. Plus one of the children is potty training, without a great deal of success, so we're probably best staying closer to home.

I hope you're all having a good week.

Pixie dust
15-02-2022, 02:12 PM
Oh Mouse ....I think it must be that time of year as I have one off with chicken pox too, I am wondering if anyone else will go down with it. When we had it here the last time everyone ended up with it but most of my current children weren't here the last time.

Its half term here, I have a couple of families off as they are on holiday so it's actually quieter than normal for a school holiday week. We did some Valentines craft yesterday, well I gave the children lots of red card/paper and various heart shaped items which they then used to make pictures. DH and I don't really do Valentines so we just had a normal Monday night.

I have Thursday and Friday off so I am hoping the weather brightens up, it's currently pouring down here. We are having some new flooring laid in the kitchen so hoping we can go out with the dog rather than trying to keep him busy indoors while the work is being done.

15-02-2022, 04:42 PM
Fairly quiet half term here. Day off yesterday n Friday. Then 3 on the other 3 days. One down with stomach bug and two with covid. Weather is dreadful too

15-02-2022, 06:42 PM
Good evening.

Weather was awful first thing, but one of the children wanted to visit the zoo, so we did! And it brightened up and was lovely. We were very lucky! Planning days at home the rest of the week!
My schoolies are all into playing 'school' ... I keep being asked to 'Fred talk' words/sounds! Luckily, I've helped with a couple of read/write/Inc sessions, so although I don't really have any idea about it, I can 'Fred talk' ... aka ... sound out the letters :laughing:
We didn't do anything for valentines. We usually have a nice meal at home, but we were both busy last night ( and tonight ) so we'll have a meal at the weekend.
Hope everyone's poorly children get well soon ... the pox is floating around our area... but so far, we don't have it! Half term next week, so I expect it will hit then!

16-02-2022, 07:19 PM
What a wild, wet and windy Wednesday!

The weather has been horrendous today so we've had a cosy day indoors. We haven't even ventured into the garden. It's been a lovely day though. The child who changes the whole dynamic of the group was away and the day was so much more relaxed for everyone. I know it's not the child's fault, but he's totally outgrown being here. He's off to nursery at Easter and I think he'll fit in there so much better.

How's half term going for those of you that have it this week? Ours is next week. One mum told me today that her child won't be coming next week and another child is term time only, so I'll have a quieter week. I'm hoping the weather is better so we can get out and about.

17-02-2022, 06:34 AM
Half term here next week.

Covid is still doing its rounds. I had it in January and have not yet really recovered from it. My husband had it also and is still suffering from coughs and colds 4 weeks later, mine is tiredness.

Been asked to have two schoolies during the holidays, I usually only have little ones so I said I’ll have a think about it. I don’t know if I will or not yet can’t make up my mind.
Quiet day today only two.

Have a good day everyone.

17-02-2022, 07:28 AM
Good morning all.

Hope everyone is safe from the storm, and isn't too battered in the next. We have 4 chairs round at table outside ... one of them has been blown right over, and half way down the garden, but the other 3 have not moved an inch, nor has the table!:D

Not quite sure what we'll do today. Think I'm going to wait and see what the children are like. Our local woods are closed due to the weather and I don't fancy heading out anywhere too far. I had vaguely planned a beach trip for tomorrow... think that's off too!

Half term next week. I've got one super busy day with mainly schoolies, and then just a couple of littlies every other day! I should have had just 1 on one day, but mum decided to take that day off, so I've got an extra day to myself!

Stay safe everyone xx

Pixie dust
17-02-2022, 08:59 PM
Dragonfly Sorry that you are still feeling the after effects of Covid.

I can't believe it's nearly Friday already, this week has flown by. It's half term here and it has been quiet week which has been nice. I have also had a couple of days off, I haven't really done much but it's been nice to recharge the batteries. Those of you who are off next week I hope you have better weather than this week.

Hope everyone keeps safe with the up and coming storm tomorrow.

18-02-2022, 03:23 PM
Dragonfly, I hope you start to feel better soon. Two of my sons had covid at the beginning of the year, both for the second time, and neither of them feels properly right yet.

How's everyone coping with the storm? How bad is it where you are? It's incredibly windy here and the rain has just started, but I know we're getting away lightly compared to a lot of places. I hope everyone is staying safe.

Today I have had a lovely lazy day, pottering around and catching up on all the TV programmes I've recorded lately. Pixie Dust, are you still watching Holby? It can't have many more weeks left now. I am interested to see how it ends. Will it be like the final episode of Friends where they all just walk out the door and turn the light off? :laughing: Has anyone been watching Great Pottery Throw Down? I'm really enjoying it, but it clashes with other programmes I watch on a Sunday night, so I record it and watch it later in the week. What about Trigger Point? Who's been watching that? It's been really good. It makes a change to have so many things to watch!

18-02-2022, 04:59 PM
Oh my gosh Mouse your poor sons, hope they feel better soon. Were they far apart the first one until they got it again? I have been so careful as you know , no clubs for 2 years, no parents in the house. Still got it 😟 have a auto immune problem so it hit me hard first day.

Wind has been bad here in the east but not as bad as some places .I don’t work Fridays so have been doing jobs like cleaning the dishwasher and washing machine.

Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe .

Pixie dust
19-02-2022, 10:40 AM
Hope everyone was ok yesterday and didn't encounter too much damage from the storm. We were quite lucky as it wasn't too bad here, our bin went for a walk and a neighbour has had their fence blown down.

Enjoy the weekend. I am currently trying to keep our dog calm and relaxed as he had a routine operation yesterday, he isn't allowed to jump about due to his stitches but anyone who owns a Spaniel will know Spaniels do not do calm :laughing:

19-02-2022, 02:23 PM
Good luck Pixie in keeping your dog calm!

It's snowing here ... huge huge clumps of snow ... too big to call them flakes! It's settling too, but as I have nowhere to be, I can just enjoy it :D