View Full Version : It's the weekend!

08-01-2022, 05:07 PM
How's everyone doing?

I've been busy today sorting everything out for welcoming the children back next week. My plan was to do it all today so I can have one last day of rest tomorrow. The weather has been awful today so I've been happy having a day indoors.

Have you had any snow where you are? We had some yesterday but it was more sleet than snow and it didn't stick. It just made it miserable to go out in. I'm already looking forward to warmer days :D

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and all look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Monday :laughing:

09-01-2022, 08:23 AM

I'm away for the weekend with a friend. It's been bliss ... lots of talking and eating, and walking! Weather has been a tad interesting though:laughing: with some heavy downpours! Today is looking better.

You won't see me on Monday morning! It's my day off, although I am heading into school as usual.

Have a good day everyone xxx

Pixie dust
09-01-2022, 03:59 PM
It's been a lovely Sunday here, the sun has been out and we have had a lovely walk with the dog at a local National Trust park, it was a little busy and we ended up not stopping for our usual coffee as the queue was so long. Yesterday on the other hand was very wet so we ended up staying home but we did have friends round in the evening for a catch up and a take away.

loocyloo sounds like a lovely weekend.

I have a busy week ahead as I have an unexpected new starter which is all rather a rush as they have been let down by their current childcare provider. I can only do one day that they need.

Anyone watching The Masked Singer?

09-01-2022, 05:35 PM
I love the masked singer ... but haven't managed to watch any yet!

Hope your new starter settles quickly Pixie xx