View Full Version : 'Twas the week before Christmas...

21-12-2021, 09:11 PM
How's everyone doing?

Hopefully you're all surviving the last few days of work. Loocyloo, I hope you had a good last day today.

I had a really busy day with some very excited children. On child in particular gets very loud when he's excited and the other children tend to join in. I could have done with some earplugs to get me through the day!

Tomorrow will be a quiet last day. Most of the resources are already packed away as I'll only have 2 children here. We're going to do some baking in the morning, then 'try' and have a quiet play in the afternoon. Roll on 3.30pm and that'll be me off duty :D

21-12-2021, 09:27 PM
Aw, thanks Mouse.

We had a lovely day... very hyper LOUD children, with a day long role play of 'getting ready for Christmas' :laughing: ... Father Christmas kept telling everyone to go to sleep and then very randomly, they all had to look out for the snake! :D:laughing:

We've made lots of craft and watched a bit of TV too. I was exhausted by tonight! Playroom was tidied, but I need to put all decorations etc away and pack everything up.

Hope you have a quiet day tomorrow Mouse, and everyone else too. XXX

22-12-2021, 07:23 PM
And that's me finished!

The children went home at 3.30pm and I had everything packed away by 4 o'clock. An ex-mindee then arrived with a card so he and his mum came in for a drink and a catch up. It was lovely to see them.
Once they'd gone I nipped out to the shop for some more wrapping paper and gift bags, then home to put my feet up while DH wraps the presents!

I'll probably pop on now and again over the holidays, but if I don't 'see' you before the weekend, I'll wish you all...

A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :happy banana::happy banana:

Pixie dust
22-12-2021, 09:42 PM
I have 1 more working day to go !! The last few days have been very crazy and I am shattered but tomorrow should be a little calmer as they are all a little older and will happily play/do crafts and will be happy there are no babies to gatecrash their activities:laughing:

Tonight when I was just cleaning up a friend turned up with a Christmas card, when she left I quickly had tea then my mum popped round with our Christmas presents. Tomorrow once I have finished I need to then get ready for our stay at DS1's house , we are planning to leave Christmas Eve morning. I have a few bits still to wrap then give the house a tidy as we have neighbours coming in to feed the cats so want to make sure its all clean and tidy.

I hope everyone has a great time make memories with their families and loved ones.

23-12-2021, 05:41 AM
Last day for me today. We aren’t doing much at all.
Before they come I’ve got to go collect the turkey from the butchers around 7.15am.

I hope everyone has a great Christmas and gets to put their feet up.

23-12-2021, 11:42 AM
I've had to do an emergency present shop ... in a town 50 minute drive away !!:panic::laughing: ... wrapping presents last night, I couldn't find one of DDs, and then I couldn't make sense of my cryptic note on my 'list' ... Think it meant they hadn't had the correct size in, and were going to call ... anyhoo ... I saw what i was looking for YESTERDAY whilst out with DD ( and thought 'i've got that' ! ) ... so today, i drove back and bought it !!! PHEW! at least I found out last night and not tonight or even Christmas Eve !!! :laughing:

Have a lovely restful time everyone xxx

23-12-2021, 04:44 PM
Emergency present shop I like that .

I’ve just put childminding things away in the loft , elf, decorate the Christmas tree, Christmas books etc for another year.

Last minute buys tomorrow and delivering a gift for a elderly person obviously not the one I look after every day.

Have a good day tomorrow everyone.

24-12-2021, 04:08 PM
Happy Christmas Eve everyone!

Are we all ready?

Our fridge is full, the presents are wrapped and we've all done lateral flow tests so we can meet up tomorrow.

I'm hoping for a quiet evening, watching TV and maybe sipping on a Bailey's (thank you mindee & family!).

Enjoy your days tomorrow. I hope Santa brings you everything you're hoping for :group hug:

24-12-2021, 05:50 PM

We've made it through another ( peculiar) year. Have a lovely restful time and see you all in 2022!

Much love xx

Pixie dust
27-12-2021, 06:26 PM
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, I had a great time with my family and am now back home. I was so nervous doing my flow test on Christmas Eve but it was all good. Tomorrow I have to get some food in as I have been away I don't actually have a fridge full of Christmas leftovers :laughing: plenty of chocolates though.

Anyone doing anything nice over the next few days, I am hoping to catch up with friends who I didn't see before Christmas and some lovely walks with the dog.