View Full Version : Happy Monday Everyone!

22-11-2021, 05:15 PM
Monday is lovely - a late start, an early finish and wonderful set of children. The perfect day :D

It's very cold here today but it has been nice and sunny. It was great to see that the children have now all got winter coats. Even better, all the parents remembered to send them today! Last week I had one child without a coat at all and one in a thin fleece. Luckily I keep a couple of spares here, but it's so much better when they have their own.

We had a lovely play outside this morning, then went for a walk to the shop to get some fruit for lunch. I haven't really taken the children to the shops much since the start of Covid, and I forgot how manic it could be with 3 toddlers adding their own things to the basket :laughing:

This afternoon we had the playdough out...along with the Christmas sparkles to decorate it! I normally hold off on the Christmas activities until the beginning of December, but I didn't think glitter pipe cleaners and jewels were overly christmassy!

Enjoy your evenings :thumbsup:

Pixie dust
22-11-2021, 06:40 PM
I have come down with the cold that has been doing the rounds for the last few weeks here, I can't remember the last time I had a cold. I had sore throat over the weekend and now have the cold to go with it. It's only 6.30pm but I could go to bed right now.

Haven't really got much planned this week, I think I will see how the week goes. Today the children were happy playing with the toys I had swapped out over the weekend.

22-11-2021, 09:42 PM
Good evening.

I'm trying to get my head round this week, but I think it's going to be lots of free play, inside and out!