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23-09-2021, 07:35 PM
Do you get a break - as in, are your children all asleep at the same time?

I didn't for a while, but then managed to get myself one. The children didn't all go down at the same time, but there was a decent little overlap when they were all asleep. Now though, one of the mums wants her little one to go down earlier and get up at 1.30, which is just as my last one goes down to bed, so I'll be back to no breaks on her days, boo hoo. I know it goes with the territory, but I can't deny, it's nice to have a break. I say 'break' - I usually spend it getting on top of the kitchen and making a start on dinner.

Do you have a break?

24-09-2021, 05:52 AM
It would be nice to have a break but no I don’t. If I manage to get the two younger ones to have a sleep which I do the 4 year old doesn’t .Although I do let them watch half an hour of CBeebies at lunch time. They are an early riser they need a break, it’s a long day for them and we are so busy.

24-09-2021, 11:52 AM
I usually get a break after lunch. They either nap or 'rest' for half an hour, or if they don't, then they play quietly in the playroom without me dancing attendance!

I will say to mums that are 'dictating' when sleeps are etc, that I will try to accommodate, but routines can and do change whilst at mine, and do need to fit in to our general schedule.

Pixie dust
24-09-2021, 12:16 PM
I normally managed a 'break' when we are outside in the morning as that's when my little one sleeps(if it's their day) and the older ones are happily playing without me so that's when I normally make myself a drink and sit and have that. It is very important that we look after ourselves too but it's not always easy.

24-09-2021, 05:41 PM
I think it's really important to try and factor a break of some sort into your day.

At the moment we have sleep/quiet time after lunch.

All the children lie down for half an hour and listen to relaxing music. After half an hour, any who are still awake get up and we do something quiet. Even the ones who don't sleep enjoy the quiet time and I think it helps to recharge their batteries. I use that time to get a drink and sit down in total quiet!

Maza, I would tell your parent that you will 'try' to fit in with their routine, but remind them that you do have other children to fit in with as well. Would it work bringing all the sleep times slightly earlier and trying to get them all at the same time?

24-09-2021, 07:37 PM
I think it's really important to try and factor a break of some sort into your day.

At the moment we have sleep/quiet time after lunch.

All the children lie down for half an hour and listen to relaxing music. After half an hour, any who are still awake get up and we do something quiet. Even the ones who don't sleep enjoy the quiet time and I think it helps to recharge their batteries. I use that time to get a drink and sit down in total quiet!

Maza, I would tell your parent that you will 'try' to fit in with their routine, but remind them that you do have other children to fit in with as well. Would it work bringing all the sleep times slightly earlier and trying to get them all at the same time?

I couldn't really bring the other naps forward, I don't think they would be tired enough to sleep earlier. I don't think this particular one is tired enough at the earlier time either, but we'll see.