View Full Version : Good morning Monday

20-09-2021, 10:31 AM
Where did the weekend go?

I'm sure it's only been a couple of hours since the children were last here...and now they're back again :laughing:

We're out in the garden at the moment. It's quite cold, but lovely and sunny. I've had to get my socks and cardigan on...it's the first time I've worn socks for ages! We had a bit of a frost first thing, so it's certainly starting to look autumnal now. At the weekend I treated myself to a new broom, so hopefully the leaves will be easier to sweep up. I was getting a bit fed up of the old broom just spreading them further across the garden! I do like Autumn - just not the huge amount of falling leaves!

What's everyone got planned for the week ahead? We're going to the library tomorrow for their story and song session. It's the first group activity we've been to for a long time. Having said that, when we did go before the 'group' was mainly me, 3 or 4 of my minded children and 2 babies with their mums. The session leader always looked relieved when we turned up as she'd have some children who actually joined in :D

Then tomorrow night it's the new series of Bake Off. Who'll be watching? I do enjoy having a competition programme to watch now the nights are getting darker. There's something cosy about shutting the curtains and settling down to something easy to watch. Do any of you get inspired to bake after you've watched it? I have good intentions but don't normally get round to making anything.

Enjoy your Mondays everyone. I hope the sun is shining where you are.

20-09-2021, 04:53 PM

How come it is monday evening? !!! i've had a busy but good weekend and today went out to a local town ( ish .... an hours drive away! ) i've never been to before with a friend. we had a walk and a nice lunch. now home and getting ready for the week to come !!!

Pixie dust
20-09-2021, 05:10 PM
Thought I would quickly pop on whilst my dinner is cooking! Today went by in a flash, the weather has been lovely and warm again here, no socks or cardigans yet Mouse.
It was the first proper day for my other new starter who on his two visits was a little angel, I have discovered today he is a little biter...luckily it was only me that he got today but does mean I am going to have to be extra vigilant now. He is only 15 months and it was definitely out of frustration as wanted something one of the others had.

What do you normally do if you have a child whose routine is totally different to your own as the newbie still has formula mid morning then snack at our lunch time and they don't eat lunch 2 hours later. To be honest they didn't seem at all interested in food, luckily they go home before they are due lunch. I did speak to mum about this and she wants them to eventually be having lunch with us but not yet.

Love Bake Off and really looking forward to watching it.....I do like baking but things never turn out like the recipe:laughing: most of the time there is only me here so not much point, I do cook with the children but thats pretty basic stuff.

20-09-2021, 06:16 PM
Pixie dust I had one who had a routine totally different to ours. We just bumbled along and got through it fine - but it probably wouldn't have looked smooth enough for Ofsted! I've now managed to merge the routines together and each week that went by was a step closer to that. We would sometimes have someone in a highchair eating whilst the others were doing a craft in the same room.Or someone might be in the highchair just having a snack whilst someone else was having a proper meal. In fact, that still happens as one turns up already having had breakfast at home, but the others have breakfast at mine.

Do you have to sit and bottle feed the formula baby, or can they manage it themeslves? Is it powder?

You just have to do what you can and don't over think it (says me!), as long as they all get fed and watered. You have to try and build in a time for your own break if you can.

Pixie dust
20-09-2021, 07:47 PM
Pixie dust I had one who had a routine totally different to ours. We just bumbled along and got through it fine - but it probably wouldn't have looked smooth enough for Ofsted! I've now managed to merge the routines together and each week that went by was a step closer to that. We would sometimes have someone in a highchair eating whilst the others were doing a craft in the same room.Or someone might be in the highchair just having a snack whilst someone else was having a proper meal. In fact, that still happens as one turns up already having had breakfast at home, but the others have breakfast at mine.

Do you have to sit and bottle feed the formula baby, or can they manage it themeslves? Is it powder?

You just have to do what you can and don't over think it (says me!), as long as they all get fed and watered. You have to try and build in a time for your own break if you can.

Both little ones are on formula, parents send in the measured amount in little pots for me to make up, the 11 month old will feed themselves but the 15 month old I have to hold the bottle. Its quite funny as the younger one has more 'normal' snack/mealtimes but they are the second child in the family where the other one is the first baby. I don't have to worry about breakfast as everyone has that before they arrive.