View Full Version : Good morning Monday

13-09-2021, 08:50 AM
Here we are at the start of another week. It's not nearly as warm as it was last week so it's probably time to start the Autumn activities.

Today I've just got 2 children, although they're bother here late today - one at 9.30 and one at 10.30. It's given me time to have a sort round of the toys. I'm limiting what I get out so it doesn't all just end up being tipped on the floor. I'm hoping the less there is out, the more they will play and not just empty!

One of the children today is a grizzler. Have you had one like it before? They play happily and join in with what we're doing, but are constantly grizzling? They're not crying or upset but are permanently grizzling? The other children are getting a bit fed up of it now so I'm hoping she grows out of it soon! When she's happy, she's very happy, but she'll suddenly realise she's not been grumpy for a little while, so it starts again!

What's everyone got planned for the week? One of the children is due back this week after a month away, so we'll take things easy to get her settled back in. In the time she's been away, 2 children have left and 2 others have started, so it's going to take her a bit of getting used to (and I know she won't like the grizzler grizzling!) I'm planning lots of activities that we can all do together so the children are interacting and hopefully get used to each other.

This week I'm going to get my flu jab. I had it for the first time last year so thought I might as well get it again, especially as they're predicating this will be a bad year for flu. Does anyone else have it done? I had no side effects at all from it last year, so I'm hoping it's the same again this time!

Have good days everyone.

13-09-2021, 09:24 AM

I have a grizzler too! Very wearing, although I find that after a while I just tune it out, and then in another while, I realise they don't do it anymore! But it takes time.

We're sort of edging into autumn, but generally at the moment I'm just following the children and seeing where we end up.
I am working on fine motor ... any tips for teaching children to use scissors? I've got a 2.5 yr old and a 3 1/4 yr old, both desperate to use them but neither can get it! We've had pegs out for squeezing, lots of tweezers/pincer grip activities, playdough, plus thin straps of card that are easy to cut. Not to mention a pair of child's scissors with holes for adult to assist, and a multitude of different types of children's scissors! I'm sure it's never been this 'hard' before!

I've never had flu jab, but I might this year.

13-09-2021, 11:55 AM

The grizzler sounds exhausting. Good luck with the one coming back.

I start again tomorrow with my 1st child for a long while. I have the treasure basket stuff out she liked in settling in. i'm going to put the stuff in my ikea flisat table so she can stand up and explore. She's 18 months and a bit wobbly on her feet. I'm also planning on getting some bubble mixer out and maybe my aquadoodle for some mark making. Fingers crossed it will all go ok.

Loocyloo, I was going to suggest all the different types of scissors to help with the scissor skills, but you've obviously done that!

13-09-2021, 02:34 PM
Ooooh,good luck Ellisha!

I've got an unexpected day off today. I should have two mindees, but one is going on holiday (was touch and go whether they would be able to go, so I didn't get excited) and my other one is off ill. I had booked a playgroup session at £4, so was a tad disappointed to not be able to go. Anyway, last night when I found out I would have the day off, I wrote a big list of chores that I could finally get done - and was half looking forward to doing them, but I've now got DD off sick, so I've had to entertain her and make a proper lunch etc.

Grizzlers are draining. I've got one at the moment who screams as soon as he is put in the pushchair for an outing. He's fine as soon as we set off. Unfortunately for him he's always the first one to be strapped in as he's at that age/stage where he can't be trusted walking around as he's into everything and a bit wobbly on his feet too, so I can't have my back turned while I am strapping the others in the pushchair, so bless him, I have to contain him first. It's only ever for a couple of minutes, but boy, it puts you on edge.

Mouse, I know what you mean about scaling down the toys. I have one who just wants to walk around whilst sucking on something. He has a knack of picking the heaviest thing which would really hurt his toes if he dropped it, or really hurt him if he tripped and fell whilst holding it. During the day, more and more toys end up on my high shelf. Also, some of my resources, well, I would rather they weren't sucked or chewed.

Loocyloo, I have no ideas! It seems you have tried everything!

13-09-2021, 02:58 PM
How exciting Ellisha. I hope you have a brilliant day.:D

I hope you managed to do something with your unexpected day off Maza, and that your DD is not too poorly.

Good luck with all the grizzlers and toy suckers ( my grizzler is also a toy sucker :rolleyes: ) and I seem to have A LOT of toys up high by the end of the day!

I'm guessing it is just going to be a loooonnnnggggg drawn out process learning to use scissors! I can't have them just 'out' all the time, as grizzler would suck on them, and another dear minded child would snaffle them all away as treasure! :laughing:

Ellisha - i'm contemplating the flisart table .... do you use it/will you use it/have you used it for messy play? how easy is it to clean? I use ikea Lack tables as they wipe clean and are pretty sturdy ( and my potting trays fit nicely on the top ) but i do like the look of the flisart tables and being able to use the trofast boxes as play trays etc.

Well, it is almost the end of the day, and i don't seem to have done much! I did pick a couple of pounds of blackberries earlier, and tomorrow am planning on going on an 'apple' hunt with the children! (have a few apple trees that we are allowed to pick from in a local garden!) Sounds crazy, but for the first term time monday in 8 years, I haven't gone to pick up my own child/ren from high school and i'm missing that time with them! even though i spend hours driving DD around ( and it has been 3 years since i picked up DS! ) monday afternoon seems soooooo long now :laughing:

Pixie dust
13-09-2021, 07:10 PM
Evening !

Well that was a busy day :laughing: I was so grateful to sit and enjoy a hot cuppa when everyone had gone home. We haven't done anything special just one of those days!

Later in the week we should be back at one of our favourite groups apart from that just taking each day as it comes. It's a funny week week anyway as the reception children are still slowly transitioning in to school with half days so I feel like all I do is go backwards and forwards to school at the moment.

Good luck Ellisha I am sure your day will fly by.

I haven't ever had the Flu jab, I was supposed to have it last year as I am over 50 and we were supposed to have been offered it but our GP kept saying wait to be called in but they never did as issue with supplies. Apparently all over 50s will be offered it again this year I don't know if I should just wait or try somewhere else.

13-09-2021, 07:20 PM
I haven't ever had the Flu jab, I was supposed to have it last year as I am over 50 and we were supposed to have been offered it but our GP kept saying wait to be called in but they never did as issue with supplies. Apparently all over 50s will be offered it again this year I don't know if I should just wait or try somewhere else.

Same here Pixie. I didn't ever get called last year so had it done at Boots. Even though I'm in the right age bracket to get it through the GP, I'll be so far down the list I doubt I'd ever get called! I'm booked in at Boots again.

13-09-2021, 07:35 PM
I didn’t know it was for over fifty’s . I’ve had the flu jab for years I am over fifty but have medical conditions that’s why I have it.Also had a pneumonia jab already.

Good lunch Elisha

Pixie dust
13-09-2021, 07:50 PM
Same here Pixie. I didn't ever get called last year so had it done at Boots. Even though I'm in the right age bracket to get it through the GP, I'll be so far down the list I doubt I'd ever get called! I'm booked in at Boots again.

Oh Maybe I should do this as I would be near the bottom of the list too!

14-09-2021, 12:20 PM
How exciting Ellisha. I hope you have a brilliant day.:D

I hope you managed to do something with your unexpected day off Maza, and that your DD is not too poorly.

Good luck with all the grizzlers and toy suckers ( my grizzler is also a toy sucker :rolleyes: ) and I seem to have A LOT of toys up high by the end of the day!

I'm guessing it is just going to be a loooonnnnggggg drawn out process learning to use scissors! I can't have them just 'out' all the time, as grizzler would suck on them, and another dear minded child would snaffle them all away as treasure! :laughing:

Ellisha - i'm contemplating the flisart table .... do you use it/will you use it/have you used it for messy play? how easy is it to clean? I use ikea Lack tables as they wipe clean and are pretty sturdy ( and my potting trays fit nicely on the top ) but i do like the look of the flisart tables and being able to use the trofast boxes as play trays etc.

Well, it is almost the end of the day, and i don't seem to have done much! I did pick a couple of pounds of blackberries earlier, and tomorrow am planning on going on an 'apple' hunt with the children! (have a few apple trees that we are allowed to pick from in a local garden!) Sounds crazy, but for the first term time monday in 8 years, I haven't gone to pick up my own child/ren from high school and i'm missing that time with them! even though i spend hours driving DD around ( and it has been 3 years since i picked up DS! ) monday afternoon seems soooooo long now :laughing:

I use the flisat table loads. It's pretty easy to clean. I find it handy that it's a table with trays covered and then they can be uncovered for messy play. I don't think I've ever used it for anything liquid only rice, oats, motion sand type things. It's not too big but big enough for 3 or 4 at snack time.

14-09-2021, 04:10 PM
I use the flisat table loads. It's pretty easy to clean. I find it handy that it's a table with trays covered and then they can be uncovered for messy play. I don't think I've ever used it for anything liquid only rice, oats, motion sand type things. It's not too big but big enough for 3 or 4 at snack time.

Thanks xxx