View Full Version : It’s the weekend!

11-09-2021, 09:53 AM
I’m off out shortly to drop some bits off at the charity shop and to have a look round the others that are nearby. I’m on the lookout for interesting bits to put in a treasure basket.

I’m also going to stop off at the library and drop off the children’s books. Whether or not I chose any new ones will depend on how many I buy at the charity shops. Every time I go in I tell myself not to buy any more books, but I always do! The bookcase is completely full now so I really need to get rid of some before I add any more.

What have you all got planned for the weekend? I’m hoping the weather stays dry so I can do some pottering in the garden. Nothing major, just emptying the flower tubs that are now just full of dead plants and sweeping up yet more leaves. Much as I love having lots of trees in the garden, I do get fed up of constantly have to sweep away the leaves.

Enjoy your weekends everyone.

11-09-2021, 01:30 PM
The leaves are DH's job. He does talk a lot about them!

DD and I went into town today. We both had library books to collect. Of course I also had to but some from the for sale shelf. They are only 10p each.

I've just made a batch of lentil and veg soup for our lunch and put some little portions in the freezer for mindees next week. I batch cooked a few dishes a while ago, but I've only got some spag bol left, so I need to stock up. It's so fantastic just grabbing a little pot of something from the freezer each morning.

I'm just having a rest now and then I'll walk the dog.

I saw an add the other day that said M and S have released their Christmas food range. We're going to be using them again this year.

I'm going to try not to buy any Christmas craft resources this year. I want to make do with what I have got. Mmmm, we'll see.

Don't know why I'm waffling on about Christmas.

Pixie dust
11-09-2021, 02:23 PM
It's been lovely and warm here today.

We have just got back from a lovely walk with the dog with the added bonus of coffee and cake. There were quite a few fir cones on the ground so managed to squeeze a few in to my tiny bag for our nature kitchen. We don't have any other plans for the weekend as DH is travelling tomorrow ready for a course on Monday so tomorrow I will be pottering about at home.

Hope you didn't but too much at the charity shop Mouse.

Maza I am planning to do some batch cooking as I think it will be a lot easier on the days I have the little ones. I just need to get myself organised to actually do it :laughing:

I am not sure what we will do this year food wise as DH will be away at work this year. My eldest should be in his house by then so I am sure he will want to spend Christmas there. Last year we ordered our Christmas food then none could come due to Boris changing everything last minute so we needed up doing an emergency dash up the motorway delivering food to the family! The thing is Christmas will be here before we know it!

Anyone watching the tennis later ?

11-09-2021, 06:54 PM
I'm not that into tennis. DH mentioned watching it, but DD has put on a movie - 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days'.

Today, when I took thedog for a walk, I came back with a bumbo, a pair of unopened knitting needles and a doll's car seat! Someone was giving them away in a box outside their house. I know some people frown upon bumbos, but I used to like them for very short periods of time. I gave DD's away a few years ago and wouldn't have bought a new one, but I couldn't turn down a free one.

Pixie you made me laugh collecting fir cones. I came home with a load of sticks last week. We just can't switch off can we?

11-09-2021, 08:36 PM
I'm watching the tennis now. I'm normally that interested in it (I don't even know who the top players are these days) but I've been caught up in the excitement :laughing: I don't know if I'll sit through it all, but I'll watch some of it.

Well done on your finds today, Maza. I've never had a bumbo but I've used them at toddler groups and do like them. Like you, I wouldn't buy one but would happily have one for free :D

12-09-2021, 01:59 PM
Maza waffle on about Christmas that word makes me smile 😊

How come I take my dog for a walk 3 times a day 2 if hubby is about) and all I come back with is cones, sticks, pebbles or aching legs!!!!

12-09-2021, 02:16 PM
Where is the weekend going? !!!

I've been busy doing not a lot, and in a couple of hours DH & I are off to the evening reception of a friends wedding! DD has totally disapproved of my outfit of smart trousers and floaty top, but can't tell me what i should wear :laughing::laughing::laughing:

I don't usually watch the tennis, but i was gripped last night. Emma was AMAZING. :clapping::clapping:

12-09-2021, 05:11 PM
I ended up watching all of the tennis last night. Once it had started I couldn't drag myself away! It really was very good.

Enjoy the wedding reception Loocyloo. I hope you found an outfit your daughter approved of :D

12-09-2021, 05:22 PM
Don't know why I'm waffling on about Christmas.

Waffle all you want :D

Useless as I am at getting organised for Christmas, I do love talking about it and making plans that I never stick to :laughing:

I have made a start though!!! I bought wrapping paper and gift bags when I was at the outlet the other week. M&S had all their paper and bags at half price so I bought some. I'll have lost it by Christmas, or forgotten I've bought it and buy more, but for now I can feel smug!

12-09-2021, 05:22 PM
Ooooh, loocyloo, enjoy the wedding. I woouldn't have a clue what to wear, or where to shop!

Dragonfly, I'm really lucky. Close to where I live are a couple of streets which seem to always have at least one house with a box of bric-a-brac that people are giving away. It's a running joke in my house now that I always take my rucksack out with me when I walk the dog! Lockdown was amazing because people were all having clear outs but the charity shops were all closed, so everyone left stuff outside their gates.

12-09-2021, 05:23 PM
Hope you didn't but too much at the charity shop Mouse.

I didn't get anything. It was really disappointing because there just wasn't anything I liked the look of. DH was happy I didn't come home with more "stuff" :laughing:

13-09-2021, 07:06 AM
Thanks all ...

I went with my original choice of trousers and a top to the wedding reception and Dd actually approved once I was dressed:laughing: I loathe clothes shopping, so wouldn't have known what to wear! We had a lovely evening, but i am SOOOO tired today. Pleased I'm not working!

How disappointing for you Mouse. Better luck next time :D