View Full Version : Good morning Tuesday

31-08-2021, 09:10 AM
I have to keep telling myself it's Tuesday today and not Monday!

Did everyone have a nice Bank Holiday weekend? As usual it went way to quickly. I could have done with another couple of days!

It's hard to believe this is the last week of the school holidays. The weeks seem to have flown by much quicker than they normally do. I've got one more child leaving for school this week then I feel I can get properly settled into a routine with the ones who are left and the new starters. One of my new starters is fab - straight in and playing happily. The other is taking a little bit longer to settle. She's fine if she's sat on my knee, but if she's not on my knee she's either standing crying or tipping all the toys onto the floor, while crying! She does have some times when she plays happily and those times are getting more frequent and longer, so I'm confident she will settle. It might just take a bit of time...and lots of knee sitting :laughing:

What's everyone got planned for the week? We're going to have a leaving party tomorrow with pizza for lunch (mindee's request). She's so excited about having a party (she's been telling me about it for weeks), so I've been asking what she wants to do at her party. As she's the last 'older' one to leave, she's going to be partying with the toddlers so I'm not sure it'll quite be what she expects. She'd like musical statues and pass the parcel, which could be fun with a group of 18 month olds :laughing: As long as she wins a prize and gets a present to take home she'll be happy.

Other than that, I haven't really planned much for the week. We're just going to go with the flow and see where it takes us.

Have good days everyone.

31-08-2021, 10:21 AM
Good morning!

DD has gone to sign up to 6th form, so whilst she's there, we're visiting a local little farm and the children are running round the play area. It's free, but they ask for donations. We're going back to pick DD up when she's finished and then coming back to the farm for lunch in the restaurant. Its really good, and is staffed by young adults with additional needs, so I like to use it when we can.

No real plans for the rest of the week .... depends on the weather really! My mindees who are leaving on Friday, just want to play at home and do craft, so that's simple.. they have requested pizza as well! :laughing:

It's not very warm here though!

31-08-2021, 11:40 AM
My little dog hurt his leg last night - he was running really fast in the garden and turned a corner too quickly and banged his back leg on the dry stone wall. Bless him, he could barely walk and was so subdued. This morning he was the same, so we were going to take him to the vets, but by the time the vets opened he was much better. Not totally better, but we think he'll be ok. He was lying down and giving me such puppy dog eyes and really pulling on my heart strings.

Today, we have read Mr Gumpy's Outing, which is our focus book for this week. I had all the animals as props, along with a a plastic container from the recycling to act as the boat. The 'boat' however, is now an oven tray with pompoms and straws on it - fish fingers and peas of course. We've been in the garden with some really long pieces of guttering and balls and we've made some round biscuits, because we are learning about round things/rolling. The younger one is fast asleep and the older one will be in bed soon.

Have a lovely day everyone.

31-08-2021, 12:57 PM
Well the weather is a lot cooler today. Glad your dog is a bit better Maza.

Mouse I’ve got my term time one returning next week wonder what they are going to be like after all the holiday off,2 years old 🤔
And new Monday only child was just settling after starting 3 weeks ago and then bank holiday! Think next Monday is going to be fun. I don’t really like having a child just one day a week especially when they are only a year old. Long time from one visit until the next.

Have done my Autumn planning er I mean curriculum hasn’t really changed at all.I do Autumn Sept-November and it is a bit like Autumn today.we do like watching fallen leaves dancing in the breeze.

We made a new log pile insect b+b so went and got a couple of longs today to add to it.
We already have a hedgehog cafe and hedgehog hotel, bird boxes and the bug and bee hotels.

Check on the caterpillars this afternoon when the children wake from naps/rests. See if any have changed. Either that or they have made a bid for freedom. ( they do have a luxury tank with soil and lots of food and water) can only see one!

31-08-2021, 02:14 PM
Had planned a long day out fir the children today to end the school holiday. But the weather really wasn’t very nice so had a long walk in the local woods and a play in the park. To be honest they all look exhausted anyway!

31-08-2021, 04:57 PM
Children love the woods don’t they?