View Full Version : Childminding at the moment

16-08-2021, 12:47 PM
I am advertising for children after a year and a half off. We have moved 200 odd miles away from where we were to the north west, and so I'm more or less starting again from scratch. I just wondered how you're all finding childminding at the moment? I'm looking at my covid policies and risks assessments thinking it all looks like a lot of work. And then it looks like the guidance is constantly changing. Have any of you had to close due to covid? How are you doing your initial meetings with parents?

16-08-2021, 03:26 PM
I started childminding again after nearly 5 years off. I started back almost a year ago.

Business was quiet at the time due to covid, but it's picking up now. It's hard because you don't have any word of mouth recommendations when you set up in a new area, but you just have to persevere and it all happens eventually.

I actually prefer doing parent interviews in the garden, and it's a great excuse to insist on doorstep handovers. A lot of the training/cpd is still via zoom so you don't have to worry about babysitters if you have young children of your own.

The annoying thing is that you now have to question every single cough and high temperature, and as you know, little children get these all the time.

When I first started childminding years ago, we went to lots of playgroups. Now, I am used to not going to any. They are gradually all opening up again, but I'm wondering if I want to do them as regularly as I did before.

I'm loving being back though.

16-08-2021, 03:40 PM

Good luck starting up again.

10 years ago, I moved 260 miles north to Yorkshire and had to start from scratch, knowing nobody. Scary, but I put my big girl pants on and did it!

I'm loving childminding at the moment, but I think that's down to some awesome children, and getting older, so I'm much more relaxed and 'whatever' about it all!

The new eyfs starts in Sept 21 .... with the emphasis on knowing your children and NOT on paperwork. So no need to do written/photographic observations or tracking development on paper. Only written thing is the 2 yr check. Childcare.co.uk has a whole new section on eyfs 2021 with lots of guidance. Most of it is free for everyone, although some bits are only available for gold members.

I'm lucky, I haven't had to close for covid, but I know a few childminders who have.

I tend to invite prospective parents in for a very quick walk round ( when I am not working ) and then we sit outside to chat. But try and keep it short. Then if we decide to go ahead, I usually go to theirs to sign contracts (so they can do it one evening whilst child in bed !) And then I have parent drop child of for a couple of 30 min selling sessions without parent. I used to do 30 mins with parent there, then parent left for a bit. But actually, I prefer child coming without parent, as they don't expect them to be there, and don't look for them! I find 30 mins is enough ... they have played and learn that mum/dad comes back!

16-08-2021, 03:50 PM
Excellent advice. Your good doing settling in periods 30 mins loocyloo mine are 1-2 hours. Free childcare!

Pixie dust
16-08-2021, 04:15 PM
Good luck with starting back up again.

I have just started having parents in for initial meetings and will be having settling in visits from next week but parents will be handing over at the door.

I too haven't had to close due to Covid but a couple of childminders I know have had to close and isolate. Hopefully things will get better as we all learn to live with Covid.

I do think the new EYFS will be a positive change.

16-08-2021, 07:08 PM
Excellent advice. Your good doing settling in periods 30 mins loocyloo mine are 1-2 hours. Free childcare!

I used to do 1-2 hrs, but always found it hard, and to be honest, it never really seemed to make any difference as to how a child settled long term anyway! I think the first thing they need to 'learn' is that mum/dad ALWAYS comes back, and if in the 30 mins you can find something they like, then the next time you can have it ready! and if they don't settle, well, it is only 30 minutes! :laughing:

That said, i did have my 2 new schoolies to play for an hour after school just before the end of term, but i felt that as they were a bit older, they needed time to bond with the other children, rather than me.

17-08-2021, 08:51 AM
It's good to hear Maza you've been fine coming back after such a long break. I am looking forward to it, although have enjoyed the break and the chance to reflect on how I want to run my business. And good to hear Loocyloo that moving went well for you. It will be ok I'm sure. I had one enquiry last week, but never heard back after my reply, so hopefully there will be more soon.

Short settling in sessions sound good, I used to do 2 hours, but if a shorter one works just as well, I might go for that!

I've been doing lots of the webinars, etc about the changes to the EYFS/DM in September. I look forward to the reduction in paperwork!

17-08-2021, 12:19 PM
I totally agree . After so many years of doing 1-2 hours settling in I may go to a shorter time also. It really doesn’t make any difference to when they start the longer sessions.