View Full Version : Good morning Monday

02-08-2021, 09:54 AM
After a very busy week last week, things quieten down this week as the children start going on their holidays. I've got one on holiday this week, one next week, then another goes away for a month the following week. Add in my week off and I've got a lovely few weeks to look forward to.

What did everyone get up to over the weekend? We had a big family party on Saturday which took a lot of planning. It was all worth it though as everyone had a great time. It was all outside and we'd been a bit worried about the weather. The day before we had torrential rain all day, but apart from a slight drizzle while we were setting up, we were lucky and it stayed dried. The sun even came out at times! I then spent Sunday tidying up and chilling.

Has anyone got any nice plans for this week? I've got a couple of September starters coming for their settling in visits and I'm taking a couple of the little ones to the museum for an activity session. Other than that we'll just go with the flow.

Enjoy your days everyone.

02-08-2021, 11:14 AM
I've only got one here today as the other one is off ill. The one I have got is one of my 'one day a week' children and usually cries all day. He has been fabulous today and we have had such a lovely time. He's in bed now.

We're doing 'shiny' things this week following on from a Maisy's treasure hunt book that one of them is really into. I just need DH to get my treasure chest down from the top shelf in the garage.

I was just going to do some planning whilst mindee is in bed, but had to pop on here first.

Pixie dust
02-08-2021, 12:54 PM
I am trying to get back in to the swing of things after my week off, it's a normal Monday here with just my usual little ones. They are all happy to be back with their friends so busy playing together. I need to plan a few things for the rest of the week. I also need to arrange settling in sessions for one of my new ones.

Have a great rest of the day !

02-08-2021, 06:31 PM
I've spent today sitting on a beach collecting shells, and then rooting around in rock pools :laughing: DH just laughed and DD told me in wasn't at work! True, but I had fun!

I've got a few activities planned for when I get back to work next week, but think I'm going to look at pawprint badges, and choose another couple to do over the summer with the children. They enjoyed doing 'bees' and we've got the patch ready to see onto something ..
Just need to decide if its a blanket, bag or most probably some bunting!