View Full Version : It's the weekend!

24-07-2021, 12:34 PM
Who's got exciting stuff planned this weekend?

I'm off out soon for a late lunch with one of my sons, then this evening I'm meeting up with friends for a long overdue catch up. It's quite exciting that my social life is starting to open up again! I've got a group of friends I met online about 15 years ago and we still meet up regularly. The last time we were able to get together was just as coronavirus was taking off, so it's been a while. We're now looking at organising our next gathering, which is so good. It won't happen for a while as the logistics of getting everyone together can be a bit of a nightmare, but it's something to look forward to. It's something we ought to think about doing as well. It would be lovely to meet you 'regulars' in person!

Apart from that, the only other thing I need to do this weekend is a food shop. I'm just hoping the shelves aren't as empty as they were at the beginning of the week!

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

24-07-2021, 04:24 PM
DH has got two friends around to watch the rugby. We've all just had a braai together and now they are in the 'playroom' watching the match. They're really lovely guys and I'm really happy for DH. I was totally grumpy though this morning at having to clean up the house for their lunch time arrival. I'm glad it's done now though and I won't have to do it for the rest of the weekend. We've finally moved our chest of drawers back into our 'almost newly decorated' bedroom, so that has cleared up some clutter and given us some much needed breathing space. I'm really looking forward to moving the rest of the furniture back in there over the next couple of days and getting back to normal.

Off to walk the dog shortly, and then DH and his friends are off to the pub, so DD and I will probably watch TV. Then I really need to try and order the new EYFS stuff.

25-07-2021, 08:55 AM
Oh Mouse, I hope you had a wonderful time meeting up with friends, and I'd love to meet up with 'forum friends'! I had met up with a few in the past, but I've lost touch with all but one now, and she's moved far away!

Well ... DD and I are staying with my mum, and yesterday went to see a show in London. It was great, and so lovely to see people out and about. We wore our masks in the theatre, and so did most people.