View Full Version : vaccinations (not covid)

25-06-2021, 06:24 AM
If a new child hasn't had any of the typical childhood vaccinations (parents going down natural/homeopathic route), is there anything that I need to do or have in place/be aware of etc?

I have seen several posts on this in the past on FB, but I never paid much attention as I hadn't come across it before, until now.

25-06-2021, 06:52 AM
ooooo, EEEEK ...

I'm sorry, i don't know.

I am very pro-vaccine, as there are some things that just can't be cured/prevented by homeopathy or natural remedies. ( and i am all for natural remedies when possible ) I would struggle to take on a child who has not had the usual 'baby' vaccines, as it is only with lots of people being vaccinated that some illnesses have become 'rare' ... ie measles. A lot of people think measles is just a minor illness, but it can be devastating and life threatening.

I do know of a child who relies on 'herd immunity' to protect them, as they are highly allergic to what is used IN vaccines to deliver the vaccine.

25-06-2021, 08:23 AM
That’s a tricky one.

Other than making a note on the child’s information form, I’m not sure what else you would do. I know some nurseries have a vaccination policy so maybe google it and see what comes up.

Personally, I think I’d also read up on the signs of the illnesses and make sure I knew what to look out for. I would guess it’s still rare for a non-vaccinated child to be exposed to any of the illnesses, but I’d still want to brush up on signs and symptoms.

Do let us know if you find an answer.

26-06-2021, 03:38 PM
I'd have no problem. If the others are vaccinated then there is no (or little) risk to them anyway, so what's the problem? No vaccines are 100% effective anyway, so even a 'fully vaccinated' child could be at risk of catching anything.
It is only a concern when considering the whole population/community issue, and that's not our problem!