View Full Version : Good morning Thursday

17-06-2021, 09:52 AM
Has anyone had any thunder storms yet? We had rain through the night and a bit this morning, although it's currently dry. It feels a lot fresher than it has done for a while, which is quite nice.

I've got an unexpected day off today. One of the children is on holiday, one isn't well and one was going to arrive late, after they'd been to the dentist but dad phoned a little while ago to say they'd decided they're going to have a day out instead...if I didn't mind! I said I didn't mind at all, but that it was very thoughtful of him to ask. I'm glad now that I sent the Father's Day cards home yesterday. I usually save them till the child's last day of the week, but for some reason decided to send them all home yesterday. It's probably that for once they were all ready in advance. Normally we're finishing things off at the last minute and I've been known to still be drying glitter and glue with the hairdryer when parents arrive to collect the children :laughing:

So this morning I've packed the toys away for the weekend and done the house work. I'm now going to nip into town quickly as I want to get a summer school coat for my grandson. He's been going without a coat while the weather's been hot, but I realised this morning that he hasn't got a thin waterproof coat for the warner weather. It was raining when he went out to school this morning so he had to go in his big winter coat. He wasn't happy but I wasn't going to let him go without a coat!

I've messaged one of my sons to see if he wants to meet up for lunch. He lives near town so hopefully he'll walk down to meet me. If not, I'll sit and have a coffee by myself, looking like a billy no-mates :blush:

Enjoy your days everyone.

17-06-2021, 12:28 PM
That sounds like a lovely day Mouse. Enjoy

DD, the children and I ( after playing outside in the very light drizzle ) have come to a local town for lunch and a walk, and now everyone is having a snooze in the car, whilst DD has her first face to face individual drama lesson since March 2020! She's been having them on zoom, but has missed the real interaction with her teacher.


Pixie dust
17-06-2021, 01:15 PM
Thats a lovely end of the week for you Mouse.

We had heavy rain and storms during the night here and its been raining on and off all day so instead of suncream we had to get all dressed up in our wet weather gear today.

I am hoping we don't get to wet on the school run later.

17-06-2021, 08:40 PM
Hope your day was as lovely as it promised to be Mouse.

I had my new starter over for her second full day. Like last week, she cried on and off, but my current mindee again just could not cope with her crying. He was a wreck, bless him. Very tiring though.

The new dad is irritating me. He has been to collect her the last three times, and each time he has practically lunged at me to take his daughter from my arms at the door. He then fusses over her and doesn't acknowledge me. DH saw it today through the window and it really irked him too. The mum comes as well (socially distanced) and she is nice and chatty, but the dad just straps his daughter in the car and doesn't thank me or say bye until I force him into it. Do you all 'like' your parents?

My current mindee is having tomorrow off, so I could have been off all day too - but I had arranged for another new starter to come for his two hour settling in session. I was a bit gutted when I realised, but having seen the state of my mindee today, I'm almost glad that he wont be here for another new one's settling in sessoin.

17-06-2021, 09:14 PM
Oh bless, that's tough Maza.

My new starter was very cross for most of yesterday, and one of mine didn't like it at all.

I have a couple of parents who drive me demented! But I do like them once they are being 'normal'! The rest I get on well with, and do like. If I don't gel or feel comfortable during initial meeting with parents, then I don't offer a space irrespective of how well the child would fit!

Hope your new starter tomorrow goes well xx

17-06-2021, 09:37 PM
The new dad is irritating me. He has been to collect her the last three times, and each time he has practically lunged at me to take his daughter from my arms at the door. He then fusses over her and doesn't acknowledge me. DH saw it today through the window and it really irked him too. The mum comes as well (socially distanced) and she is nice and chatty, but the dad just straps his daughter in the car and doesn't thank me or say bye until I force him into it. Do you all 'like' your parents?


That's a bit rude of him Maza. I can't think of any parents I've ever really not liked. They all irk me from time to time, but I can't think of any I haven't gelled with, although I'm sure there must be some. Over the years I've had a few dads who have been a bit stand-offish to start with, but I've usually found it's just because they're socially awkward. Once they get chatting I can't get rid of them!