View Full Version : Good morning Tuesday

25-05-2021, 09:00 AM
It's raining again. I really am fed up of it now! Hopefully the children will be sent with coats today so we can at least get outside. Yesterday was a complete washout when they only came with hoodies or fleeces.

Do any of you use a radiator cover in your playroom? Until recently I've had a table in front of the radiator so the children didn't get close to it. I've had a bit of a move round now and the radiator is uncovered. It isn't on all the time, but with the horrible weather we've been having, it is on sometimes. I don't want a permanent wooden cover, but have seen fabric covers. Has anyone used one? Do they still let the heat out?

What have you all got planned for today? I've got the 'terrible two' here! They're either the best of friends, playing wonderfully together, or arguing over every little thing. I try to keep them as busy as possible so they don't have time to argue! I'll take them out for a walk this morning, which they'll enjoy. They walk along holding hands and I've had people comment on how cute they are. I don't think they'd say the same if they saw them playing tug-of-war over the toys or emptying every box of toys onto the floor!

Have good days everyone!

25-05-2021, 11:42 AM
Hello mouse, a parent mad me fabric covers for the radiator in the playroom years ago. I take them off in summer.

Been out to drop something off at the other end of the village went via fields etc so lots of running about and exploring in particular a slug climbing up a plant.

We done gluing before we went out and the 3 year old practiced his letters/ sounds with me.

25-05-2021, 12:28 PM
Mouse, I used to have a 'rad pad' for a very big radiator which was exposed (in a position where I couldn't put furniture in front of it). It was great, plain white so not particularly ugly. I got it online and apparently lots of care homes use them. My ofsted inspector had never seen one before, but she liked it - not that I was doing it for her. It does give you peace of mind. My radiator was also in a place where toddlers used to zoom around a corner and was on the corners of the radiator was right at their face/eye level so I liked having the rad pad as a bit of a cushion/buffer. I never noticed them not letting the heat out. I'm thinking of getting another one for a smaller radiator here.

I've got today off. DH and I have just been to aldi and lidl. It was quite nice going to the supermarket on a weekday when it was quiet. I'm easily pleased. We were going to do something a bit nicer this afternoon, but our elderly neighbour needed a hand with something, so DH had just got back from helping him.

25-05-2021, 12:47 PM
afternoon ... we've been out 'bug hunting' in the garden and the sky has now turned a very ominous dark grey :laughing:

HOWEVER, my new waterproof coat arrived! its very snug and warm - don't think i'll need a jumper under it! It looks great, so i'm looking forward to trying it out! It has a 'fur' trim though around the hood which i'm not keen on, but keeping it on will mean the rain doesn't fall on my face, as it creates a bit of a brim. That said, i usually wear my australian cowboy hat in the rain !!! maybe i'll try the hood with trim and no hat today and see!

I had my new mindee come for a settling visit this morning. a few tears as she was passed over, but soon happily playing. fingers crossed that continues!

... I'm often told how cute my mindees look when we're out and they're all holding hands! I always say thank you and you don't want to see them at home !!!

I just have a wooden rad cover in the playroom with a shelf on the top that is our 'display' shelf. the other rad in hall way also has a shelf on the top of it and that seems to be enough x

25-05-2021, 02:47 PM
Well .... I wore my new coat on the school run; the sky cleared, the sun came out and I melted!! Better carry on wearing my new coat!!!

Pixie dust
25-05-2021, 04:18 PM
Afternoon ....well the rain waited until exactly 2.50pm when we walked out the front door to go to school, luckily I had anticipated this as there were a few dark clouds in the distant and had got everyone wrapped up in their waterproofs and boots! I never used to worry about what coat I had as I would always end up getting soaked through anyway and just put it down to the perks of the job:laughing: and then I invested in a Regatta waterproof coat what a game changer! I stay nice and dry now and wouldn't be with out it.

Mouse your two sound like my two on a Thursday, they both do other days but Thursday mornings they are together and it's a nightmare.

Time for a cuppa x