View Full Version : Good morning Monday

24-05-2021, 09:18 AM
I don't want to jinx it but....the sun is shining and it's warm outside!! Everywhere still looks very damp after all the rain we've had lately, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that better weather is on its way.

I had my second covid jab on Saturday and have now got a very sore arm and shoulder. After my first jab I was headachy and felt a bit rough for a couple of days. This time I've felt completely fine, apart from the sore arm. I think I've got away very lightly compared to how some people have been after their jabs.

What's everyone got planned for the week ahead? Assuming we do get good weather, I want to do an audit of the outdoor resources. Every now and again I get everything out over a week and see what the children actually play with and what they don't bother with. I then think about getting rid of anything they don't play with. Last year I got rid of most of the Little Tikes sit in cars and they haven't missed them at all. I realised no one was playing with them and they were just taking up space, so they went. I kept a couple, just in case, but they're still not played with so they might go this time.

This morning I've suggested to DH that we could go to Ikea this evening to pick up a few bits. He didn't seem keen! I'm guessing the cafe will be open now, so I might try leaving him there to eat meatballs while I have a quick run round. On my list are food bags, a small Lack side table, a couple of wooden trays...plus anything I see that I desperately need!

Have good days everyone. I hope the sun is shining where you are!

24-05-2021, 09:40 AM
Still raining here!

My mindee is off for two days because his grandparents are visiting for the first time in months. I'm so happy for them all. Happy for me too obviously as I get two days off! I was going to have a wander into town but I have kept DD off as she has picked up that really dreadful cold that seems to be going around, so not sure now. I'd love to have a good mooch around the library, so we'll see. DD's teachers put all of the lessons online each day because there are some pupils still isolating (that breaks my heart) and so they still provide remote learning - so DD can still do the lessons which is great.

Mouse, my mindee loves the little tikes car - it's his favourite. They do take up lots of space though don't they? Previous mindees were never particularly bothered.

So, I wrote back to the parent who was a no show. I wrote a very firm email but said that I would give her the benefit of the doubt and gave her some appointment times. This was on Sunday morning and I haven't heard from her, so I think she was probably offended. It's a shame, because I would have liked to take on her two year old as company for my current two year old mindee because I'm getting an influx of inquiries for babies at the moment. I'm worried in case my email was too stroppy.

Let us know what you get from Ikea Mouse - Ikea is like the childminder's equivalent of disney world for kids. It's a bit like that advert when parents tell their kids that they are going to disney and everyone screams with excitement. I casually showed DH the flisat table the other day and he said I should definitely get one! I will if they are ever in stock. I love the polka dot long sleeve bibs from there, but I am looking for a cheaper alternative.

Have a lovely day everyone.

24-05-2021, 10:58 AM

I've had a bit of a lazy one ... mainy because i was waiting for the window fitter to turn up to sort out some 'snagging' and he was due 9-9.30 ... due to coming from a distance away. So i sat around, reading, and not settling to doing anything ... he finally arrived at 10.30, having left the office at 9! Hey Ho!

I've now been up to church and taken down the Easter Garden, and rehomed a few millipedes and a snail! I am thinking i'm going to plant out my beans now, as it is sunny, and although a wet week is still forecast, it isn't as cold! ( plus, my green house is getting taken over by them! ) I have some baking planned and i need to write myself a variation ! - Child was going to go to nursery from half term .... nursery have now said they don't have room until september :rolleyes:

Don't worry about being stroppy Maza. Mum messed you around, and you have shown her who is in charge. She'll either accept it or won't, and if they do come to you, you'll always be wondering if they will turn up etc. I have a mum i have to message every month to remind her to pay fees, and to return any forms i need! Drives me potty, but she was on the ball when they started!:laughing:

Mine love the car Mouse, i only have one, plus a couple of other ride ons. I'd be tempted to get rid, because it does take up space, and it does cause arguments, but it is a good toy to learn 'sharing' with!!! Enjoy your trip to Ikea! :D

24-05-2021, 01:03 PM
Forget my dreams of sunny weather! We played outside for half an hour before it got really cold and dark and the rain started. None of the children had brought waterproof coats with them today so we've been back inside since then with no sign of the rain stopping.

Our Ikea trip this evening is off as well. DH conveniently remembered that he has to collect some paperwork from near town, so we're going there instead. We'll go straight to town when the children have gone home, so I'll have a couple of hours to look around. I do actually need to get a few bits, so it's handy that we're going. I'll save Ikea till another time.

24-05-2021, 01:52 PM
Well what have I done on my day off?...been to the charity shop. I got a nice wooden Noah's Ark toy with animals, and a moochi ride on toy, plus some board books - 4 for 99p. Pixie dust I looked for a gravy boat but they didn't have one! They didn't have any goblets either.

Pixie dust
24-05-2021, 02:28 PM
Afternoon everyone ! We have been lucky and it has stayed dry even though we have had some lovely black clouds overhead. Its been quite quiet here as I only have 2 instead of the usual 3, it's strange how having just the one less the it feels so much quieter!

This morning on the way from school my little mind and I got soaked when a bus went speeding by hitting a puddle and the splash was like being on a water ride at a theme park! My poor little one starting crying thankful as I am nearest the road I got the brunt of it :angry: I have sent a complaint to the local bus company. It wasn't actually raining as it was lovely and sunny.

Do any of you set yourself a budget to spend on resources as a lot of those lovely accounts I follow on insta seem to be always getting new resources, recently I have seen some lovely items that have been bought from the Cosy catalogue but the prices are so expensive. Do you buy things as and when you need them or do you have a fixed amount you spend each month. I don't but things every month and I am being really strict with myself as I just don't have the room to store items. Is there a maximum amount you would spend on a single item? I have seen some lovely outdoor toys but they are hundreds pounds.

Maza as much as I love Ikea I would choose Disneyland over Ikea every time as I am a massive Disney fan:laughing:

24-05-2021, 04:30 PM
Oh Pixie, that's no good!

I don't have a set budget for resources ..I try not to buy anything unless I need it/ something needs replacing but somethings I just want and if I think it's worth the money then I will buy it. I do think cosy and other educational catalogues are often expensive for what they are. I sometimes see something I like and then have a look to see if I can get it ( or similar) cheaper or if DH could make it for me.

I was given a grant to buy some activity bags to encourage language development. I bought some from an educational supplier and they came in cute little back packs ... except they didn't! The bags looked like back packs, but just had a carry handle, not shoulder straps. And the contents didn't need that much storage!

24-05-2021, 06:41 PM
Oh gosh Pixie, hope you have dried out. I remember it happened to me once in the 90s when I still had a perm. I looked in the mirror when I got home and one half of my hair was flat against my had and dripping wet, while on the other side of my parting, my hair was still a big, fluffy bouffant.

I got a reply from the parent (the one who was half an hour late for the first meeting and then a no show for her second meeting despite me sending a reminder, plus generally taking ages to respond to my emails). I was right, she had been offended by the email I sent her and agreed that we should now not go ahead. On the one hand, I am glad to be rid of her and happy that I didn't let her walk all over me, but on the other hand I am feeling pretty rubbish because I don't like conflict.

I also don't set a budget Pixie. I used to be really good but at the moment I'm not. I agree, those instagram childminders do look like they spend an awful lot of money on resources.

24-05-2021, 09:03 PM
Oh Maza, so sorry to hear that mum was upset, but sounds like an lucky escape if she thought you ought to hang around waiting for her. Something much better will come along. :thumbsup: