View Full Version : Good morning Tuesday

27-04-2021, 10:25 AM
I think the good weather has upped and gone. It's cold and drizzly today. We had been going out in the mornings, but we're having a change round today so we've played indoors this morning, in the hope it brightens up after lunch. It wouldn't have been so bad except none of the children have brought coats with them today! The run of good weather has obviously fooled the parents as well!

Did everyone remember it's a Bank Holiday on Monday? I didn't realise until one of the parents mentioned it this morning. That was a nice surprise. I now need to message all the other parents to make sure they've realised. I haven't put it on my newsletter so I hope none of them think I'm working!

Has anyone been away at all since lockdown was eased? DH and I are thinking of booking somewhere for a couple of days as it's been so long since we've been anywhere away from home. I've seen friends on facebook who have gone to their caravans and I'm starting to think how nice it would to get away for a break. Ideally I'd like a cottage right on the beach so I could head back inside whenever I wanted a coffee! What's your ideal? A beach cottage, a countryside cottage or a city break?

Pixie dust
27-04-2021, 11:58 AM
We are lucky as it's quite sunny still here.

We haven't been away yet but have a cottage booked for the end of July. We are going to the Peak District, we live on the coast the beach is a 10 minute walk away so we prefer to head inland for our holidays. Our small little village has 2 holiday parks and during the summer months gets too busy we have already noticed a large increase in traffic. I have always dreamed of having a holiday on some idyllic remote island but in reality a lovely cottage in the countryside is perfect. There are a couple of city breaks abroad I would love to visit but I don't think that will happen any time soon as DH has already said he doesn't want to travel abroad in the future.

We have no plans for the Bank Holiday as DH has his second vaccination Saturday hopefully he will be ok this time as he was quite ill the first time. Lots of people we know have ben fine second time around.

Happy Tuesday everyone !

27-04-2021, 12:44 PM
Gosh that's a tricky decision Mouse - I don't know which one I would prefer.

We don't have any plans for the bank holiday. I tend not to make plans to go anywhere special on bank holidays because traffic was always so bad there we used to live on bank holidays. We'll chill at home and maybe do a board game.

This morning we have made gingerbread men. They have so many currants on them that they look like they have got chicken pox.

Good luck to your DH Pixie dust!

27-04-2021, 03:58 PM

We went to the park with an overcast sky .... it absolutely poured down! We had coats but were soaked!!!! Came home to sit by aga and dry out!

DH is going away in the campervan this weekend. DD doesn't want to go, and as we'd be about 4 hrs away ( driving at van speed! ) I'm staying home too! Normally, she'd stay with a friend but not possible at the moment. We've got a cottage booked in the countryside in Northumberland in the summer. We looked for a cottage on the beach, but the only one available slept about 10 and cost an absolute fortune ( more than we'd spend going abroad! )
Not sure when/if I'll ever feel comfortable going abroad again! I'd like to explore all the Scottish Islands and also the Scilly isles, but I think that's for when we have more time and less constraints!
City breaks have never appealed, although we used to spend a few days at YHA hostels in London when the children were younger.

Yum, enjoy the gingerbread men Maza ... I love a gingerbread man!

27-04-2021, 09:23 PM
We have had a beautiful sunny warm day today. Yesterday was absolutely freezing so we made up for it and spent the day in the garden. Even so by the time the little ones went before tea and the after schoolies went at 6, both house and garden were covered in toys. At least tomorrow is only before and after children