View Full Version : Good afternoon Friday

23-04-2021, 02:52 PM
What a lovely day it's been. I had a lie in this morning, got some bits of paperwork completed then had lunch in the garden before pottering round outside in the sunshine.
If I ever think of working on a Friday, days like today remind me why I don't! The bonus now is that DH is back at work on a Friday, so apart from one student son, I get the house to myself again...bliss!

This morning I had an email about claiming the next SEISS grant. I'd forgotten there was going to be another one. Is anyone claiming it? I won't be as I'm back up to capacity again, but hopefully it'll be helpful for anyone who is still struggling for work or who wasn't eligible to claim the previous grants.

Has anyone got anything nice planned for the weekend? We're going to have a family BBQ on Saturday evening, but haven't planned anything else yet. I do want to try and get to Hobbycraft sometime as I had a gift voucher for my birthday and I'm itching to spend it! I had to promise I'd spend it on myself though and not on things for the minded children!

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone!

Pixie dust
23-04-2021, 04:25 PM
We have had another lovely day out in the garden, we had lunch outside which was lovely. Won't be long before we will all be saying it's too hot to be outside :laughing:

I think we are having a family picnic Sunday which will be great, tomorrow is a trip to the hairdressers which by the comments of one of the children today, is much needed as they told me my hair was white :panic:

Have a lovely weekend whatever you are doing !

23-04-2021, 06:17 PM
It was another stunning day here too. Had such a lovely walk with mindee. Some cows in a local field had been moved a few months ago as their field flooded, but today they were back and they all wandered over to the gate to say hello. It was so sweet.

I took DD to the hairdressers today after work for a very much needed haircut. They took absolutely loads off and she specifically asked them to just take off three inches. It looks fine but she hates it and has moaned ever since.

No plans for the weekend. Think I've forgotten how to make plans!

Ooooh Mouse, a hobbycraft voucher just for you! Enjoy.

24-04-2021, 06:40 AM
I don't know what happened to yesterday!
We met up with friends in the morning, played outside all afternoon and suddenly everyone was gone!
I had choir and then took DS shopping for food to take back to uni!

No plans at all for today and DD is dancing tomorrow! X