View Full Version : Good morning Tuesday

20-04-2021, 08:37 AM
It looks like the weather is going to be lovely again today so I've planned a day in the garden. Maza, you asked about my new water table yesterday. It's great! It's big enough for all the children to play at together, but is easy to empty and the stand folds away, so it's easy to store. It's a clear tray, whereas my previous one is a blue tray. I don't know why, but the water looks so much better in a clear tray! I'll keep the blue one for sand, which is on my shopping list!

What's everyone else got planned? Hopefully you've all got good weather.

Today I'm looking for recommendations for hand cream. Washing my hands a lot (which I'm sure most of us did way before covid!) has never bothered them, so I think it's the hand sanitisers that are making them very dry. I've tried a couple of hand creams that came in gift packs, but they leave my hands feeing greasy. Has anyone got a recommendation for a good hand cream that dries quickly and doesn't leave a film on your hands?

Have any of you been to the pub yet, or to eat out? DH and I would like to go for a meal but I don't fancy sitting outside to eat. I don't think it's quite warm enough in the evening yet for me to do that...unless I took a hot water bottle and blanket with me :laughing:

Enjoy your days everyone :thumbsup:

20-04-2021, 11:16 AM
Happy lunch time! We're having a picnic lunch in the garden in the shade of the trees. We've had a busy morning washing all the ride ons/seesaw/slide etc, playing in the sand and water. Got one going for a snooze and then we have some planting to do!

Oo Mouse. That water tray sounds good. Could you possibly send me a link? I love my ( 18 :eeeek: yr old ) elc one, but I'm feeling it's on borrowed time now!

DS is 19 on Thurs and we've talked about going out for a meal, but he isn't keen ( and to be honest, it's a bit cold at night! ) I had lunch out with a friend yesterday and that was great.

Hand cream .... I've tried loads. I like the neutrogena ( Norwegian) have cream, but very sparingly. The body shop hand creams in metal tubes are nice, and I got a nivea hand cream 'express' for Christmas and that's quite nice. I've taken to just putting loads on just before bed and letting it soak in!

Enjoy the day everyone xx

Pixie dust
20-04-2021, 11:50 AM
We had a lovely morning out in the garden , we had the water tray out alongside the sand tray plus I taped some large sheets of paper to the fence for drawing/painting.
We haven't eaten out yet and as just too cold for me to sit out.

I use L'Occitane hand cream, it is expensive but it works well for me (I am lucky that I normally get some for birthday or Christmas )I also have some Tropic Hand balm which works well too.

Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.

20-04-2021, 12:52 PM
Ooh Mouse I’d like a look at the water table with foldable stand also if I may.sounds a good one.

We have had half the morning inside, the rest outside . Suns gone in now so bit chilly but have two napping one quiet time.

I don’t fancy eating outside at the moment either ( evenings) too cold for me!

20-04-2021, 01:13 PM
I think it's the neutrogena one that I like too.

My mindee is back today (off yesterday). Apparently he hasn't napped for three days at home, but thankfully he is currently fast asleep here, yippee! We've had a morning in the woods.

I love clear water trays too Mouse - especially when you add food colouring to the water.