View Full Version : Good morning Wednesday

31-03-2021, 10:25 AM
We're half way through the week and the long bank holiday weekend is in sight :clapping:

We've got another lovely day. The sun's shining and the sky is blue. It was a little bit cold first thing, but it was the sort of cold that you know is going to go away! We've been outside for a while but came in for nappy changes and the children decided to stay in. They've got the box of cars out and are making a traffic jam around the room. That will probably keep them busy until story time then lunch.

This morning I've had a couple more enquiries. They're coming in thick and fast at the moment and I've been passing them on to other childminders as I haven't got any spaces. We've had a few local childminders retire or change jobs recently, so parents are finding it increasingly difficult to find anyone with vacancies. It's good news for childminders but not such good news for parents.

Easter gifts. Do any of you give the children anything for Easter? I send crafts home and something sweet that the children have made (rice crispy nests this year), but I don't give Easter eggs or a present. Social media is making me question myself again when I see all the goodies some childminders are sending home! I'm wondering if I should have got them a little Easter egg at least!

31-03-2021, 11:36 AM
My mindee is dairy free and so I had a quick look at eggs but they were rather costly, so I'm not going to do it. I never have either, BUT we normally go to an egg hunt at playgroup so they will have eggs from their to take home. Obviously that isn't happening this year. I'm going to bakewith him tomorrow and we have some nice Easter toppers to put on top.

We've been over to the building site - we go most days - and then we've been in the garden with water play. It's been lovely. Nice for mindee to refine his climbing skills on the slide now that he isn't wrapped up in thick coats and gloves. We've done a little bit of crafting too, but that never keeps him occupied for long! His Easter crafts are a bit anemic, as they have the least amount of paint/felt tip/crayon on them that he could get away with, lol.

I'm also getting more enquiries at the moment. I had to turn the 'all natural' parents down. It just didn't feel right. I realised that I was feeling suffocated by their requests and hints and it felt like they would be making the decisions about how I spend my day instead of me.

Enjoy the weather everyone.

31-03-2021, 12:00 PM
We've been for a long very walk up to the pond and saw teeny tiny tadpoles, along with lots of birds, a pheasant and an owl! A few frogs too and a couple of moorhens too. We took a picnic lunch and have come home for little one to have a sleep. Older 2 are amusing themselves! I get the impression that at home they are always given activities to do, watch TV or play on xbox ( plus school is busy ) so I try to ensure they have days to just 'be' at mine! That said ... I have a few craft bits to do!

I give all mine an Easter egg ... usually on offer for multi buys, but never more than a £1! When I had a dairy free Mindee , I usually gave some Easter marshmallows or jellies . ( my nephew is dairy free so I'm used to thinking a bit outside the box as it were!) used to do an egg hunt for little eggs ... but it seemed to cost a fortune to get eggs for it!

We made nature Easter eggs today ... I cut Easter egg shapes out of cardboard, put some strips of double sided tape on, and we then stuck flower/grass/leaves on them.

Enjoy the sun everyone xx

Pixie dust
31-03-2021, 12:33 PM
As I am not working this week the children haven't had any Easter eggs etc to take home, we did do some crafts last week. If I am working I normally do some Easter baking. The children get so many Easter eggs from their family that I don't think they need anymore from me.

This morning we went for a lovely walk at a local nature reserve it was so peaceful hardly anyone about but when we got back to the car park it was soo busy, lots of families were at the play area, they looked like they were all setting up for the day with picnic boxes/blankets etc. The area has a bit of a revamp recently which is nice but it has also made it very popular where before it was a lovely quiet little spot.

Enjoy the rest of your day whatever you are up to DH is now painting the hallway so I said I would do some admin :rolleyes: