View Full Version : Prospective Parents and security/safeguarding

28-03-2021, 06:14 PM
When you have prospective parents visit for the first time - what measures do you put in place to safeguard yourself/family/your home? I don't mean in terms of covid, I mean generally. They are strangers, so what details do you insist on having about them before you arrange a visit? Do you get their second name? Ask for ID?

28-03-2021, 07:26 PM

:blush: I've not really thought about it ! I do have name/ email/ contact details, and the majority of the time, I know someone who knows them. I also only have prospective parents come on pre-arranged visits. I don't allow anyone in who just knocks on my door!

28-03-2021, 09:54 PM
Like Loocyloo, it's not something I ever really think about.

Parents either contact me through facebook or childcare.co.uk. If it's through FB I check out their profile. Either way, I ask for their email address so I can send them some info. I also ask for their phone number in case I need to contact them before they visit. I also usually ask where they're coming from so I can give them directions.

Is there something in particular that worries you?

29-03-2021, 07:35 AM
No Mouse, nothing in particular that worries me. DH and I were just pondering on it after having a couple of parent visits recently. I pretty much have all of the things you have both spoken about, but I was wondering if there was more that we are advised to do.

At one point during the parent meeting on Saturday I was chatting to the mum in the back garden and the dad was following the busy toddler around (being perfectly responsible) and they disappeared around to the side garden so I couldn't see them. I was just at the point where I was thinking 'mmmm, I'm not 100% comfortable with not being able to see where you are on my property' when they reappeared. Afterwards, DH who was inside the whole time, said he couldn't see the dad but he heard him say to the toddler "Oohhh look, there's your reflection"so it was obvious they were looking through the window. I don't blame them, I would do the same, but it did make me think.

29-03-2021, 09:52 AM
I don't think I'd like them disappearing out of view!

I think it's always wise to be cautious. That's one of the things I like about parents contacting me through facebook - I can have a look at them before they come to visit! I usually find we've got some friends, or friends of friends in common.

29-03-2021, 10:26 AM
Yeah, it was a bit awkward because he was just following his toddler, he wouldn't have gone there without her. I think I just need to put a barrier at the end of my patio, such as my dustbins, to stop people going around the side in future.