View Full Version : It’s the weekend!

20-03-2021, 09:48 AM
I hope you’re all planning some time to relax this weekend. We all deserve some downtime after a week looking after young children! I had a conversation with a 3 year old this week about what I want to be when I grow up! She wants to be a teacher or a nurse and thought I could do the same so I could go with her and still look after her. It’s sweet how their minds work.

It’s Census Day tomorrow. Has everyone completed their form? I put ours away somewhere safe, so once I remember where, I’ll do it online :laughing:

Today I need to go out and get some birthday cards. Next week we’ve got a couple of family birthdays. Last year they were the first ones we’d had in lockdown and it was a bit of a novelty having to plan for a birthday when the shops were shut. Now everyone’s had a lockdown birthday and the novelty has well and truly worn off!

Covid jab update: I felt very shivery yesterday afternoon. I had some horrible chills, like I had when I had coronavirus, but after a couple of paracetamol and an afternoon nap I felt fine. My arm does ache a bit this morning , but that could be because I was lifting heavy boxes last night :laughing: Good luck to anyone having their jab this weekend.

20-03-2021, 10:20 AM
Glad you are feeling better Mouse. Does that mean you had the jab on the same day as Boris?

We don't have plans for this weekend. My turn to walk the dog and so I will be excitedly looking for boxes of freebies outside gardens. I guess once the charity shops open up again people will just take their stuff there instead of outside their homes.

Did anyone else order the April Wanderlust box? I see the May one is ready to order and the theme is mini beasts.

Yesterday I watched Chris Pakham's documentary 'Asperger's and Me'. Have any of you seen it? I've been meaning to watch it for ages. It's a really interesting watch.

20-03-2021, 11:52 AM

I've just been for a lovely long muddy dog walk with her friend. We came across some free outdoor toys! She took them for the nursery she works at :D I did think of you Maza! Good luck on your walk.

I've signed up for a subscription to the wanderlust boxes. We really enjoyed this months, so I thought it'd sign up and see how it goes for a few months. :D

we did the census online the other day, as I knew i'd forget otherwise!

off for my jab later and i need to do a food shop and then that is me for the weekend! ( apart from needing to send some invoices )

Stay safe everyone, hope you carry on feeling better Mouse.

:group hug::group hug:

Pixie dust
20-03-2021, 02:17 PM
We have been out with the dog this morning now got to pop to the pet shop. I completed our census form earlier as we are not expecting any over night guests tomorrow :laughing:

I have ordered the April wanderlust box so will eagerly await its arrival.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

21-03-2021, 11:04 AM
Ooooh, I'm excited for your friend having found freebies loocyloo! I didn't find any yesterday. I've been enjoying my scavenger hunts, lol. Hopefully I'll find something today.

Pixie dust it will be interesting to hear what you think of the wanderlust box. I was just looking at mine - I have 3 now - I didn't order the January box with the robin and I'm kind of wishing I had. The only one I was a tad disappointed with was the February box - the snow one with the three stones - did anyone else get that one?

On the topic of wanderlust boxes, I was just looking at all the lovely printouts and I can't decide whether to laminate them or not. They are printed on lovely card and I do think laminating them will make them feel less special, and less in the spirit of wanderlust, but I would hate for them to become dirty and tatty, especially if we take them off to the woods (flower spotter sheets, number cards etc).

Sylvia, was it you who mentioned the cat food shortage? We seem to be okay here. Hope you managed to get sorted. x

21-03-2021, 12:12 PM
good luck on your hunt today Maza!

I'm undecided what to do with wanderlust cards too Maza! at the moment, they are still in their box, but i'm thinking of finding a nice folder or storage box for them. and i'm debating about laminating them too! I did wonder about copying them, and laminating a copy! DD has given me a lovely little clipboard she had, that is just the right size for the card, so perfect for taking out & about. I've only had the last box, but am excited to see what comes.

I'm having a lazy day .... i feel fine after my jab yesterday, just a slightly achy arm, a bit of a headache, and i'm a bit tired! but nothing major. Hope it stays like that.
