View Full Version : Fees

13-03-2021, 09:45 AM
How often do you increase your fees and generally by how much?

13-03-2021, 10:25 AM
It depends on circumstances. It's really quiet here at the moment so it would be pointless increasing my fees. I think it's generally easier to increase fees for new families rather that for current families, but sometimes that's not the situation you are in and fees still need addressing.

Sorry, that's not much help at all.

13-03-2021, 12:05 PM
I used to do an annual increase in April of about 5%, but I rarely do a fee increase during a contract now.

I tend to do it when a new family starts or when a contract changes. The last time I put my fees up was in June when I opened up after the first lockdown. All the children came back on reduced hours and I increased the fee for those hours. Parents were still paying less than they had done, but my hourly rate was higher, so when new families started, or when parents increased hours again, it was on the new rate. For most families the rate went up by about 5%.

13-03-2021, 12:11 PM
I do a 4% ish increase ( but rounded to the nearest whole number ) every 2 years for everyone, sonetimes i put up new families fees a little bit more.

I should have put my fees up last April, but didn't for obvious reasons, so put them up in the September. I will next put them up in April 22 though, for the new tax year.