View Full Version : Playgrounds and playgroups - when?

08-03-2021, 02:38 PM
Are we allowed to be taking our mindees to playgrounds? I know they are open for families, but I didn't think we were supposed to be taking minded children - or did I dream that? I know one local nursery has been taking children to the main playground in the park most days, and today I saw a childminder in a local playground.

Are any of your local playgroups opening soon? I'm really looking forward to being back on the playgroup scene - we used to have some fantastic ones where I used to live, but I've never been to any here.

08-03-2021, 03:15 PM
No we are not meant to take children to the parks. Some minders do though. I don’t know when we will be allowed to. Been a year since I last went to one. Can’t say I’ve missed it but bet the children have, though they never ask, been the norm not to go to them.

08-03-2021, 04:21 PM
We went to the park a handful of times last September but that has been it for over a year!

Toddler groups can, in theory, start back with max 15 adults from 12th April .... BUT that will depend upon the halls they use being open! I'm not sure when I'll start going back to groups. I'll probably stick to meeting friends outside!

08-03-2021, 04:38 PM
Dragonfly, I agree - I haven't missed going to playgrounds either. I thought I might, but I really haven't. The nursery which takes them to the park playground plaster photographs of it on their Facebook page every few days.

Loocyloo, I don't think I'll go to playgroups that soon either. Don't think I will have had a jab by then, and I should imagine most of the mums there will be younger than me so won't have had one either.

08-03-2021, 04:55 PM
Maza I’ve had the jab but I still won’t go to inside groups when they start up in April . Hopefully we can meet up outside.i just want to air on the side of caution. Maybe after the summer or next year, want to see what happens and hopefully most will be vaccinated by end of July fingers crossed.

Not a brilliant idea of nursery to put photos of park visits on Facebook but I guess each to there own. I know parents take them there but I’m not the child’s parent and to me my job is to keep the children safe.

08-03-2021, 05:02 PM
Thought I better add it’s up to everyone whether they choose to go to parks or not! Don’t want to offend anyone.:panic:

Pixie dust
08-03-2021, 05:09 PM
We live right next to a park but haven't been there since first lockdown but the children regularly go with their parents. We only attend one group a week which is a nature based group set in a wood so I will happily go there once we are able to, when it reopened in September everyone was really good and stayed in their little bubbles. Normally we will go on little outings to the beach/woods/park or meet up with other childminders which seems such a long time ago now since we have done any of those things. I am not a fan of indoor play places and their aren't any toddler groups in our village.

I miss taking the children to the library, apparently ours opened back up today for a click and collect service which I will look in to as we have had our books for over a year now!

08-03-2021, 06:16 PM
I can't wait to go to the library!

Ours limits the number of people in, and the children's bit is one family group. I was going every couple of weeks and we were having our own story and rhyme time!

11-03-2021, 02:08 PM
Pacey advise local educational trips and meeting up with other childminder is all okay, as long as you and parents are happy. Pacey Spotlight On - Coronavirus - FAQs:

Can settings take children outside or on trips? What about insurance? What about meeting up with others?
Yes, settings can operate at their normal group sizes and while settings should continue to maximise use of private outdoor space, early years settings including childminders are able to be in larger groups locally, outside and for the purpose of education, registered childcare and supervised activities for children. Please be aware of the following:

the trip being for the purpose of education or childcare or to exercise outdoors. Settings are advised against educational visits at this time and this should be done locally, wherever possible, but you can travel a short distance within your area to do so if necessary (for example, to access an open space).
Settings must stay within their bubble and within the EYFS staff child registered ratios,
make sure risk assessments are completed thoroughly in advance,
providers must demonstrate in that risk assessment that they can remain socially distant from other groups (2 metres),
Thorough handwashing should be maintained throughout as well as before and after the trip
The trip is carried out in line with relevant Covid-19 national lockdown guidance and coronavirus secure measures on transport and at the destination.
Appropriate insurance arrangements are in place
Parental permission is obtained (this is in line with PACEY insurers)
and adherence to all other hygiene requirements including with the use of any public equipment - read the guidance here (this is in line with PACEY insurers).

12-03-2021, 09:02 AM
I knew you could meet up with another Childminder, as now you are allowed to meet one person outside and go for a walk?
Thank you

13-03-2021, 09:47 AM
I've been taking my mindees to the park occasionally. Feels like the only thing we can do. Parents have been ok with it. I didn't know we weren't supposed to!

13-03-2021, 10:17 AM
I have been to the park a couple of times - just not the playground there. It's possible to walk around our park and remain socially distanced and have a lovely time.