View Full Version : Good morning Wednesday

03-03-2021, 11:40 AM
Well, that was a manic start to the day. My new starter came for her second settling in session so it meant I had three 2 year olds here for the first time in ages. She's settled in amazingly well, considering she's been at home with her mum for most of the last year, but the concept of sharing is obviously new to her and we had several squabbles in the couple of hours she was here! I can see they're all going to get on well though and I'm looking forward to having a little group all the same age.

My question of the day. Have any of you got the track & trace app on your phone? One of the local childminders had a message on hers yesterday to say she has been in close contact with someone who's tested positive and she now has to isolate for 5 days. From that she can work out that means she must have had contact with someone last time she went to the supermarket. She was asking on our local group page if anyone could take any of her minded children for the rest of the week and that got to us talking about the track & trace app. Most people said they either didn't ever have the app, or have deleted it. I've still got it but I'm now thinking how inconvenient it would be if I got told to isolate! I know that's the idea of it, which is why I can't quite bring myself to delete it, but I did wonder how many other people have still got it.

What's your weather like today? It was very misty here first thing, but now it's just cold and grey. We're out in the garden at the moment and the children are running around, all wrapped up warm. I was over optimistic coming out without a coat on and I'm regretting it a bit now! We'll be going indoors for lunch soon so I'm hoping I can hold out till then :cold:

Enjoy the rest of the day.

03-03-2021, 12:38 PM
It's freezing here! And very misty. No one wanted to go out, so we've been playing in the dark den instead! I did have a moment thinking that it wasn't good for airflow but hey! I hope you haven't frozen solid!

I've got the track and trace app, but don't have it blue tooth enabled! A friends sisters phone was in her locker at work and she has been told to isolate due to close contact .... she didn't see a soul for the 6 hrs, as was alone in her office! That bit worries me too, even though i agree, that is the point of the app! I just use it to scan when I go somewhere. But you can't always then 'log out' so the app doesn't know how long you spent somewhere.

03-03-2021, 01:09 PM
Yes I have it and on. If you go to a supermarket don’t stand near anyone more that a few seconds just in case!

Gosh, how annoying if your phones in your locker then you have to isolate.mind you I suppose someone in the building must of had it

Luckily I don’t see many people at he moment.

Pixie dust
03-03-2021, 01:34 PM
Very cold here today too but we have been outside as I added some 'mud' to our lovely shiny new mud kitchen, we have had the mud kitchen for a couple of weeks now but it was only today when I added some soil that anybody really played with it and now we have mud everywhere :(

I have the track and test app but I do worry I may get the message to isolate but like everyone says thats what its for, I don't go far apart from the school run and walking the dog. We have a weekly food delivery so I currently don't go in to shops. I have a couple of childminding friends who both had to isolate just before Christmas.

03-03-2021, 02:07 PM
Oh no Pixie, hope it doesn't take too long to clear up all the mud! Did you buy the actual unit? I bet they had such fun. I would have loved one when I was little.

We've painted bear masks today and DD set up an obstacle course for the mindee. It was great actually.

I don't have the track and trace, but DH does, so if he gets told to isolate then that's me pretty much told as well. Not that we go anywhere. You do hear some horror stories about it though don't you?

DH is cooking tonight and DD and I have signed up to an online yoga class at 6pm. I was excited when I booked it, but I know come 5.55pm tonight I'll be cursing myself for having booked it.

03-03-2021, 02:07 PM
I'm going to keep the app if you lot all do! Talking to local childminders it just felt as if I was the only one daft enough to have kept it and use it!

When I had covid I entered it on the app and expected my minded families to get notifications. I was surprised that none of them did. They don't come into the house and we'd distanced as much as possible, but some had come close to hand over the younger children so I really thought they'd be pinged. It only occurred to me recently that my phone is always in the kitchen, not on me, so it wouldn't have picked up that we were within 2m of each other :laughing: I hadn't thought about it being the phones that need to be close, not the people, for it to pick up a contact!

Note: I did give all the families' details to track and trace so they were all contacted by email anyway.

03-03-2021, 03:40 PM
to be honest, i have had it bluetoothed before ... i just turned it off, as i don't go anywhere !!!!

Pixie dust
03-03-2021, 05:14 PM
Oh no Pixie, hope it doesn't take too long to clear up all the mud! Did you buy the actual unit? I bet they had such fun. I would have loved one when I was little.

Yes a local company makes them and delivers for free and the price is quite reasonable compared to the ones in the early years catalogues. Hope you enjoy your Yoga Maza !

03-03-2021, 07:00 PM
Had my first jab today. In and out in less than 15 mins including a sit down for a while after as I was driving myself there and back.

04-03-2021, 08:11 AM
Had my jab last week Sylvia, luckily no side effects, how about you?

I brought an outside kitchen. One of the best things I’ve brought in 25 years of minding plus it’s outside!! Mine was made for me areal bargain compared to ones in catalogues. Quite big also.

Cold an wet here today .