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View Full Version : Where do your toddlers sit?

30-12-2020, 10:45 AM
Where do your toddlers sit when they are chilling out? How many little seating areas do you have?

I really scaled down a lot of my mini tables/chairs, comfy toddler chairs etc when I moved house as they were a bit excessive, but now I think I need to start building it up again.

With covid, I left the beanbag, big cushions etc upstairs in storage. We love the extra floor space their absence created in the playroom, but I think I need to find a happy medium. I do have an adult size sofa in the playroom, and mindee will occasionally sit there - usually when he has woken from his nap and is still a bit groggy, but otherwise he doesn't sit down to chill - if we have a little tv session he will stand, bless him, even if I encourage him to come and sit on the sofa. He's totally settled here, so it's not anything to do with that.

Obviously he can relax in his pushchair or highchair. I think because of covid I have got out of the habit of creating cosy nooks with cushions and drapes etc. Have you brought back soft furnishings at all in your playrooms/book areas?

Pixie dust
30-12-2020, 12:35 PM
I have a little wicker toddler sofa thing that I bought from Cosy a few years back now. Sometimes the children will sit there to look at books. Thats my only little snuggly cosy corner, I have a rug on the floor there with a couple of cushions. When we have a story/singing we all sit in that area some on the floor or the little sofa. I don't have any adult size furniture in the playroom, I find myself sitting on the floor most of the day or on a little chair :laughing:

30-12-2020, 12:37 PM
In the playroom there are padded cushion along the cabinets with toy box’s under them and they sometimes stretch out on those but they have free access to sofas and armchairs in the lounge

30-12-2020, 01:12 PM
We have an adult sized sofa as the room is used by us as a family as well.

I find children only start to sit on it when they’re about 3. They’ll sit on it to read, rest etc. The younger ones naturally seem to sit on the floor to do the same things.
On the floor I have soft rugs, cushions, blankets and beanbags that they can move as they want. I didn’t ever get rid of any soft furnishings because of Covid. I just increased the washing of anything that could be washed and sprayed anything that couldn’t be with antibacterial spray.

When we sit for story time, music time etc we all sit on the floor together. I have a few stools and chairs for the small tables, but it’s the same as the sofa - the older ones sit at the tables to do the activities but the younger ones stand.

30-12-2020, 01:46 PM
I just have a rug on the floor of the playroom and a few cushions. We sit on the floor for stories or to play. I haven't removed anything due to corona .... I just wash stuff more often!

I have a low table and children's chairs/ stools in the kitchen and the children move the chairs/stools where they want them. ( also have a low table in playroom ) I have a 'adult/big' table and chairs in the kitchen that the schoolies use, and also a couple of chairs with long legs that the smaller children use at the 'big' table .... usually about 3 or 4 before they graduate to it ! Makes them feel very grown up!

In the sitting room everyone sits on the sofa, but we don't use that room much.

I'd like an armchair in my kitchen, but not quite enough room!

30-12-2020, 02:01 PM
It's the sofa or the floor here!
Only child-size furniture is little table and chairs for snack, playdough etc.