View Full Version : It's the weekend!

05-12-2020, 06:16 PM
It's been so cold today, but at least it was dry and sunny.

Today's been a pottering sort of day, getting various little jobs done and getting on top of the housework. It means I can have a chore-free day tomorrow :D

Then tonight is takeaway night. Chinese for us this week. I'm looking forward to a lovely meal that I haven't had to cook myself :laughing:

What's everyone been up to?

05-12-2020, 08:17 PM
Well ..... I've done 6 hrs practical for my first aid course and having already done my 6 hrs online theory, that's me done for 3 years! Hurrah!
( 90 min drive each way! )

I then popped to the shops on my way home ... now relaxing watching Strictly and think I'll be in bed soon! I'm shattered!

05-12-2020, 09:31 PM
We had to go to the pharmacy first thing because DD has red, swollen itchy toes, so we had to get some cream. Then I went to the charity shop next door to the chemist. Before lockdown, I had seen some lovely, unusual, brass egg cup type of things which would have been great for my outdoor kitchen. I regretted not buying them and so I went back for them today but they had gone. I was so disappointed!

DD and I assembled her gingerbread house which she got for her birthday and then took the dog for a walk.Is everyone noticing that people have put up their decorations earlier than usual this year? So many outdoor decorations and lights now too, it's lovely.

We have just watched 'Holidate' on Netflix. It was a fun, easy watch.

Mouse enjoy your takeaway, and loocyloo enjoy your early night. It's always a great feeling when your first aid is ticked off for another three years.

05-12-2020, 09:57 PM
Is everyone noticing that people have put up their decorations earlier than usual this year? So many outdoor decorations and lights now too, it's lovely.

DH and I were saying just that when we were out earlier. I don't think I've ever known so many houses with outdoor decorations. The ones who always have decorations and got loads more than normal and, even the ones who never normally have decorations, have got a few lights outside. I love it!
We decided it was partly because people aren't working so much so have more time to put decorations up and partly because it's been such an awful year that people want to do something nice!

06-12-2020, 08:42 AM
Yesterday we did christmassy the house. I would love outside lights but the grinch which is dh always says no. I understand we don't have access to electricity outside or ladders but I'm sure if he just applied critical thinking he could overcome these obstacles :laughing:

This morning I'm debating whether or not send the kids rugby training. The weather is truly we are right in the middle of a covid hotspot is it worth. Even if they just get colds its means isolating and its so close to Christmas