View Full Version : 2 year check

05-12-2020, 09:41 AM
When do you do the 2 year check? As soon as the child is 2/a few months later...

I don't mind doing the checks and so I'm not trying to put it off or anything. I find them quite useful.

Do you do them straight away to get them out of the way? I don't want to be in a position where Ofsted call and say they will be with me the next day and then I panic and feel that I have to write the report that night so that Ofsted don't mark me down!

05-12-2020, 01:07 PM
I do mine pretty much the day they turn 2, as that's when our local HV do theirs!

If they start with me at any point aged 2, I then usually wait till they are 2 1/2 OR they've been with me 3 mths. If they are about to turn 3 then again, I would do it before they turn 3.

I usually give the parents a form to fill in, asking how they feel child is doing regarding speech and understanding, physical devt and social skills etc. Plus what they are enjoying doing at home, if they've learnt anything new, plans for future etc. I then use these along side my own observations.

05-12-2020, 01:54 PM
Yes, I think I'll do mine in January as soon as he turns two. It's just not worth the risk of Ofsted being able to say I haven't done it.

Pixie dust
05-12-2020, 01:54 PM
Here we are advised to do them between 27 and 30 months, we have a lovely form to share with parents then we have then have to upload information on our LA portal. We can do our own reports but as we have to log it all on the portal I just use the LA version which isn't too in depth. HV are so behind here they are not doing the checks until at least two and half.

05-12-2020, 02:39 PM
Aren't 2 year old checks on hold for now? I have one I should do but was in two minds about doing it because I dont think we have to do them right now? May be completely wrong!!

05-12-2020, 04:57 PM
Aren't 2 year old checks on hold for now? I have one I should do but was in two minds about doing it because I dont think we have to do them right now? May be completely wrong!!

2yr checks are always worth getting done, even if they were put on hold by Ofsted (I understand that is now over and they are now expected). It is an important check, If you let them slip you can get caught out having to get them done in a rush.

05-12-2020, 05:54 PM
Aren't 2 year old checks on hold for now? I have one I should do but was in two minds about doing it because I dont think we have to do them right now? May be completely wrong!!

I knew they had been on hold, but I thought they had lifted it...maybe I'm wrong.

05-12-2020, 07:59 PM
They had been put on hold, but I only put on hold the children I didn't actually have during that period. Once they'd come come back and settled down, I then did 2 yr checks.

I think they lifted it in September???... to be honest, I just carried on doing everything I needed to, so I made sure in didn't miss anything!

07-12-2020, 08:21 AM
Think they were put on hold but easier to carry on as you usually would.