View Full Version : Sending Christmas crafts home

03-12-2020, 09:02 AM
When do you send your Christmas crafts home?

Do you send them home as you have done them? Do you keep them and send them all home in one go? I've usually sent it home as we make it, but I know some childminders pop everything into a bag and send it home in the last week of term.

I'm not sure I want the crafts hanging around really, so I think I'll carry on sending home as and when each one is completed. What do you do?

03-12-2020, 10:05 AM
I usually keep the 'main' craft .... card, personalised whatever, etc until the last day, the rest I send home as they do it .... I have some that love a colouring page/ sticking /stickers / painting/ templates etc and will sit and do it all day!

My 16 mth old just loves paint.... luckily still obsessed by washing hard hands as well!

03-12-2020, 10:13 AM
I send the main crafts home on the day I break up for the holidays, along with a Christmas card from me for their family, a small present for the child and January's invoice :D

I tend to leave it that late because I'm usually still finishing the crafts right up until the last minute! This year I'm more organised and we have actually completed most of what I had planned. I'll still leave it till the last day though.

Any other crafts we do (colouring, random pictures, more basic decorations) I send home as and when they do them.

03-12-2020, 08:46 PM
If I can manage to hold on to the crafts till xmas I like to wrap them up as a gift. Failing that, I try to get the children to make a main piece that we keep until their last day. One year my daughter sketched a portrait of each child and the children decorated a cardboard frame to go round it. Parents loved them x

05-12-2020, 02:41 PM
I just send things home as and when we've done them. The kids loving dragging all their bits to the door to show their parents so it can make for some nice positive pick ups I find..
Plus I never do anything very special so nothing worth them waiting for either!!

05-12-2020, 06:07 PM
I just send things home as and when we've done them. The kids loving dragging all their bits to the door to show their parents so it can make for some nice positive pick ups I find..
Plus I never do anything very special so nothing worth them waiting for either!!

That made me laugh mumofone! :laughing: